Our trip to the British Schools Museum

The children in Cedar Class took a trip to the British Schools Museum. We have been learning about the Victorians and wanted to experience what life would be like in a real Victorian School! Everyone came dressed up in traditional Victorian wear for the day, with the girls wearing long skirts and pinafores and the boys … Read more

Singing Workshop for Willow Class

On Monday, Willow Class was welcomed by Princess Helena College for a singing workshop with Rufus Frowde (one of PHC's music teachers).  We were joined by four other primary schools from the local area.  The day began with a warm up for our bodies and faces as well as our voices before exploring a wide … Read more

KS1 Activity Day

We began the day with Indoor Athletics followed by Orienteering. After lunch it was time for Speed Stacking before ending the day learning a Lion King Dance routine. We all enjoyed the day!

Victorian for a day

On Monday 9th October, Holly class visited British School Museum in Hitchin. We have been learning about life in Victorian times in our History lessons this term, so it was great to be able to experience it first-hand. First we had a lesson in a Victorian classroom with a strict Victorian teacher. Our hands were … Read more

Training dragons in grammar!

Last week Beech Class gave an assembly to the rest of the school about the work they have been doing on How to Train Your Dragon. They told the other classes about what they had by training a dragon as they went. It took a few weeks to read through the book and they covered … Read more

Sense Detectives

We enjoyed using our five senses in this experiment to identify a missing teddy bear. We had to use the clues to work out which colour matched the description of the lost teddy and circle it on our sheet. The five circled colours then revealed the identity of the bear. We used our eyes to … Read more

Eureka! Willow Class in the Lab

Willow Class had a great time today exploring forces at a science workshop at The Princess Helena College.  Before going into the lab, we were all given white lab coats to protect our clothing and (more importantly) so that we looked the part! The science teacher at PHC began by finding out how much the … Read more

Our Gruffalo Themed Class Assembly

We read and enjoyed The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson in our Literacy work. We also went to the Gordon Craig Theatre to see 'The Gruffalo Live On Stage' which we all enjoyed. Back at school, we worked on our own retelling of the story and learned The Gruffalo Song which we performed in assembly. We … Read more

Maple visit to Celtic Harmony

On Tuesday 26th September Maple class visited Celtic Harmony for a Stone Age experience day. We learnt lots about how the Stone Age people lived. We took part in four main activities; building a shelter, trading, hunting and gathering and learning about Stone Age weapons. First we got into groups to build a shelter. We … Read more