Wonder Drama

We have been looking at the book 'Wonder' by RJ Palacio.  The children have really enjoyed learning about the main character and some of the issues he has had to face throughout his life.  In one particular session last week, the children were given a range of bullying scenarios inspired by the events in Wonder.  The children … Read more

Willow go Viking!

On Tuesday 16th January, Willow Class enjoyed a workshop packed full of Viking facts, stories and activities all led by our very own 'Viking' from 'Portals to the Past'.  The children all looked fantastic in their Viking outfits which really helped them get into character for the day.  Below are some quotes from the children about their experience: … Read more

Cedar’s Minibeast Hunt!

Cedar Class took a trip out to the nature area to hunt for minibeasts!  We have been learning all about animals and their habitats. We decided to venture into the nature area to see what minibeasts we could find. We looked under rocks and leaves, lifted logs and even had a look in the Bug … Read more

Year 1 Materials Workshop

We completed 5 activities in small groups focusing on what materials were made from and their properties. We really enjoyed the investigation to find the best curtains for the 3 Little Pigs house!

Christmas takes over in Reception!

We hope you all enjoyed the Reception Christmas show. With all the practising for the show it’s a wonder that we fit anything else in this term, though looking back through the photos serves as a reminder of just how much we have squeezed in. So when you ask your little darlings what they have … Read more

Fabulous Felt Phone cases

Today Willow Class finished their unique felt phone cases. The children designed their phone cases, learnt about different stitches and cut out templates for the project. Over a few afternoons, they then cut out the colourful felt and carefully glued and stitched them together. We are all so proud of the results and of the children … Read more

Christmas Cakes

As part of our work in Design & Technology, the children in both Cherry and Chestnut Class made Christmas Cakes.  They each weighed their own ingredients, mixed and baked the cakes before creating a design to decorate their cakes with. Thank you so much to Mrs Halliwell for all her hard work and the kind … Read more

Willow Class Rocks!

The main song being studied was Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey. We also listened to the Glee rendition amongst others, but undoubtedly the class prefer the rocky, electric guitar and keyboard heavy version. Everyone in Willow also had the opportunity to play part of the melody on either the xylophone or recorder and improvise with … Read more