Holly Class investigate houses in D&T

Holly class have been investigating houses in their D&T lessons. Using the 3 Little Pigs as inspiration, the children built houses made of straw, sticks and bricks. These houses were teasted for strength against the might of the Big Bad Wolf ( the classroom fan!) The children had to work in groups to design and … Read more

Wonderful World Book Day

Willow Class pulled out all the stops this World Book Day with the variety of characters on display and the huge effort put into the costumes. There were foxes and witches, Harry Potters (and Harriet!) as well as Goths and partridges (attached to Danny). A couple of Hetty's were hanging out with Athos; Shanks was … Read more

All dressed up in Oak today

The children in Oak today dressed up as a characters out of their books. They wrote about their character and made some World Book Day bunting to show the different characters. Pictures will be added when our internet connection improves!

World War 2 Day

World War 2 Day had a very different feel to it as the children and teachers came to school dressed in clothes suitable for the 1940s. Lessons were much stricter than usual.  The children sat in alphabetical order and were referred to with their surnames for boys and with Miss and their surnames for girls.  … Read more

Road Safety

During Feeling Good Week, Year 6 had a fascinating workshop all about distractions when walking near roads.  A lot of time was spent talking, in particular, about the dangers of mobile phones.  This was a  'hands-on' day with the children trying to cross roads while texting and discussing the effects of road accidents on everybody … Read more

Old and New toys in Reception

So far this term, we have been very busy in Reception. So busy that, once again, I must apologise for not keeping you updated with the photos! Our learning has focused on bears and old and new toys. We enjoyed exploring the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and had lots of fun acting … Read more

Investigating soil

This term our Science Topic in Maple has been Rocks and Soils. We have already learnt about the differences between man-made and natural rocks and can name the three types of rocks, igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic, and how they are formed. Recently we looked at fossils and how they are formed. We were amazed to find … Read more

Selling Floodlights

In Science, Willow Class has been looking at properties of materials. Today they looked at electrical conductors. The challenge was to find the metal with the least resistance and most conductivity. To test different metals the children wired up a circuit with a bulb and inserted the metals to complete the circuit.  The metals tested … Read more

Materials Workshop

We had a very exciting visit, where we were able to learn all about materials. This gave us the chance to explore different materials and their properties. We worked through an activity booklet and carried out our own investigation. We had a lot of fun and learnt a lot that will help us in our … Read more


In our work in PE, Cherry and Chestnut Class are tackling some Orienteering.  Each activity is designed to teach key orienteering skills and associated physical skills in an exciting and enjoyable way.  Teamwork and cooperation are crucial.  This task involved working in small teams in a race to estimate and measure different pieces of equipment around the … Read more