Back to the Stone Age

Year 3 had an amazing day, travelling back in time to the Stone Age at Celtic Harmony Camp. We had a packed day of activities, including den-building, making Stone Age soup, hunting, gathering and trading. We also saw demonstrations of flint-knapping and fire-making (but we weren’t allowed to try those ourselves!). We learnt a lot … Read more

Four weeks in Year 4!

We can’t quite believe we are four weeks in to the year already and how much Year 4 have done in that time. Our English lessons have seen us working on our grammar and punctuation through a collection of fables. The children enjoyed having conversations as wolf and sheep and then using their original dialogue … Read more

Globe Trotting Holly Class

What a fantastic day we had travelling to different countries and learning all about their culture and language. Thank you so much to all the parents – the children had such a fun day. It was also great to celebrate all the different countries Holly class are from. We started in Bolivia where we learnt … Read more

Welcome to William Ransom!

This week has marked the start of our Reception children being in school all day. They have settled brilliantly and are already adjusting to the new routines and demands of the school day. The children have spent time learning how the different areas of the indoor/outdoor classroom run so that they can use them independently … Read more

Settling into Holly Class

The children are all settling in well to Year One and getting used to their new surroundings and routines. Once they have sorted their books and belongings at the start of the day, they enjoy practising different skills at their tables – here are a few of their construction creations. In our outdoor PE lessons, … Read more

Play and Learn in Year One!

Our new Play and Learn areas are ready for the children to explore. We have several different areas for the children to enjoy including a writing table, a maths area, a reading area, a construction area and an investigation area. New activities will be put out each week which will be linked to the topics … Read more

Y6 and HGS Science

This year, we have been very lucky to welcome Mr Derrett, a Science teacher from Hitchin Girls’ School, for exciting Science workshops throughout the year. On Tuesday, all of the Year 6 pupils went to HGS to end this year with a bang! We were treated to a ‘Potions Roadshow’ to find out just how … Read more