Completed weaving project in Oak class.

The children in Oak class completed their weaving project this week. The first part of the project was to combine their creation of textured paper with paper weaving to create a woven mat. The second part of the project was to weave a cardboard bowl with wool. Both projects proved a challenge as they required concentration, … Read more

When Willow met Brian!

Today Willow Class visited the Airbus Foundation Discovery Space Centre and met Brain the prototype Mars Rover. For the first time William Ransom school visited this exciting location where the Mars Rover prototypes are tested by scientists and engineers. Brian, the current prototype, will help Airbus engineers make the latest Mars Rover which is due to … Read more

Life cycles in Oak class

The children in Oak class have been learning about life cycles. Last week the children learnt about frogs and in technology made clay frogs. This week they have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and in technology they made caterpillars and Hama bead butterflies.    Next week our topic is snails. Don't … Read more

Time for Compassion UK

Willow Class have been very busy over the Easter holidays raising money for the children that we sponsor through Compassion UK.  This year, the children decided to give their time to do jobs and to help others in return for sponsorship.  The list of jobs completed was both varied and impressive.  The children: vacuumed, gardened, fed … Read more

The Easter Holidays are here!

A busy term but at least the weather allowed us to have an Easter egg hunt this morning. The children found a partner and off they ran, baskets at the ready. The boys were far more competitive and 108 out of the 116 eggs were soon found. Well done everyone, it has been a busy … Read more

World Book Day Assembly

On Wednesday 28th February 2018 Holly Class performed an Assembly about World Book Day. They spoke beautifully. They were loud and clear and even the Year 6s at the back could hear them! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Mexican food

Holly and Cedar have been learning about Mexico in their geography lessons. They have learned about the capital city Mexico City and a tiny village called Tocuaro.They have learned about the Mexican way of life and how it differs to ours. As part of this work the children tried some Mexican food. They tasted cheese … Read more

Heroes on the Runway

The recycling superheroes strutted their stuff for the school on their fashion runway. Eat your heart out Paris, London and New York Fashion Week!

Recycled Fashion Heroes

Willow Class spent Thursday making their recycled fashion superhero costumes and then performed a fashion show to the whole school on Friday! The class worked really hard, using the plans and diagrams they had made to bring their recycled superheroes to life.  Many worked in groups and the teamwork in evidence was superb. The childrem … Read more