Castle Assembly

Holly performed their class Assembly in front of the whole school. They remembered their lines perfectly and spoke loud enough for everyone to hear! They also showed off their completed 3D castles.  


Cherry and Chestnut Class have been studying the work of William Shakespeare. This week was all about Macbeth. Watch our video of the drama we've done.

Cedar Class invade Mountfitchet Castle!

Cedar Class went to Mountfitchet Castle with Holly Class at the start of this half term.  The children were exceptionally behaved throughout a long coach journey there and were relieved when they were finally allowed to explore.  The learnt all about the different sections of the castle and listened carefully to the information given to … Read more

Pine Assembly

Pine performed their assembly today and here it is for you to enjoy. The children worked very hard and Mr Maranian is incredibly proud of all of them. They are amazing!

Magic Mountfitchet

Holly and Cedar’s trip by Sonika Holly and Cedar class went on a school trip to Mountfitchet Castle. First we all went on a coach, it was fast like the wind. Also we had to go in pairs on the coach and I sat with Ava. It took us one hour to get there. When … Read more

French Role-plays

In Cherry and Chestnut Classes, we have been learning the vocabulary for clothes.  We then moved onto learning how to describe different items of clothing and how to buy them in shops.  The children in both classes organised themselves into small groups and made up their own role plays in French.  The only requirement was … Read more

Sensational Sculptures!

Holly class and Cedar class were all achievers this week for their excellent sculptures. In Art, we have been looking at the work of Henry Moore and how he uses natural shapes to create simplified sculptures. We made shapes using our bodies, photographed them and used these to sketch out some ideas. Then we shaped … Read more

Investigating seeds

Over the past few weeks, Holly class have been investigating different types of seeds. First, we studied different varieties of seeds looking closely at the different sizes, shapes, textures and colours. We learnt about seed dispersal and how seeds are carried away from their parent plants in different ways – by the wind, by water, on … Read more

A Healthy Breakfast!

Holly and Cedar class made their own healthy breakfasts today. Today we were learning about healthy eating and which ingredients we could include to make a healthy breakfast. We learned that fruit is healthy because it contains lots of vitamin C, yoghurt is good for our bones as it has calcium in and granola gives … Read more