Willow Don’t Stop Believin’

This half term Willow Class has been learning about Rock music and in particular, Journey's Don't Stop Believin'. Today, the class played along with the song with glockenspiels and recorders. We think it sounds great!  Just need some electric guitars and long hair. Apologies for the messy classroom, the other half of the class was … Read more

Year 1 trip to Dear Zoo

All of Year 1 went on a trip to the theatre. Here are a couple of pupils’ recounts of our trip. Yesterday we went to the train station to catch the train to Letchworth. Then we walked to the beautiful gardens to have a picnic. I liked the biscuits because they were amazing. Then we … Read more

Willow celebrates World Values Day

Willow Class celebrated World Values Day today by thinking about perseverance and what it means to each and every one of them. The children were very honest about what they found challenging and why it is important to never guve up and try their best. We discussed that it is important to follow the values … Read more

Willow have a magical day out!

Last week, Willow Class visited the Warner Bros Studio Tour – The making of Harry Potter.  This was a new trip to William Ransom and it proved to be a great success! In class, we have been studying the first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and also looking at the film.  Everyone was … Read more

Week 5 in Year 2

Week 5 in Year 2 has been a fun one. We have enjoyed dance, football and indoor athletics in PE.  We have continued to use bar modelling and become more independent. We used it to find number binds to 20 and also to 1000. in English we worked on using conjunctions to add detail to … Read more

Blog of the Week from Chestnut and Cherry Class

BLOG OF THE WEEK AT SCHOOL in Chestnut and Cherry Class by Tegan and Phoebe 29/9/18 – 5/10/18 This week at William Ransom School, we had a lot of interesting and fun things happen. On Saturday the 29th of September a group of girls went to Wilshere Dacre School for a non-competitive football-rally. The girls … Read more

Building Tudor Houses

Everyone has settled well into Holly class and are getting used to the new routines and independence expected in Year 1. In our Design and Technology lessons, we are building Tudor houses as this links to our History topic of ‘The Great Fire of London’. We started by experimenting with different ways to join paper … Read more

Stable structures

In Design Technology this term Maple have been looking at examples of stable structures. We evaluated examples of picture frames and hope to design and make our own picture frame later in the term. On Friday, Maple were set the challenge of creating a strong and stable structure using only newspaper; we were surprised to … Read more

Week 4 in Year 2

Wow this has been a busy week in Year 2! We have finally managed to complete all letters in our joined up handwriting books and we have even practised some tricky joins! We haven’t given the usual homework sheet today so the children can spend a bit of time just working on their joins. As … Read more