Anti-Bullying Drama

Cherry and Chestnut Class watched an Anti-Bullying Show this week.  While some of the class showed new parents around the school, the rest of us used the laptops to create reports to show what we had learned.  We hope you enjoy them.

Class Blogs of the Week

This week, the Year 5s had their annual flu spray.  Don’t worry – it didn’t hurt.   There was a Pudsey Cake Sale, an Anti-Bullying Show and Beech Class did an assembly on the Romans and Celts.  The School Council organised the Cake Sale so a big thank you to them.  Overall, the cakes were really … Read more

Beech’s Marvellous Museum Trip

Beech have been learning about Roald Dahl and what better way to learn more than with a visit to a museum dedicated to him. The Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre is in Great Missenden where Roald Dahl spent many years writing. He would spend hours each day in his writing shed surrounded by lots … Read more

Willow Class in the Lab

On Wednesday 14th November Willow Class spent the morning taking part in a science workshop at PHC.    We were met by the science teacher at PHC and the children were promptly kitted out with lab coats and given safety googles;  they certainly all looked the part!  We then spent the morning in one of the science … Read more

A great first half term

What a busy first half term we had in Oak class. It was great to meet so many parents on our update on reception and consultation evenings, to discuss how the children had settled in and how parents could best support their children in their next steps to learning after the half term break. The children … Read more

Our first week back after half term

What an exciting first week of a new half term. Firework night and Diwali to learn about.  2-D and 3-D shapes explored in maths and a new value of co-operation to think about. Not to mention the 28 'Flu Superheroes' who had their flu spray on Friday! Enjoy looking at a few photographs from this week.

Marvellous Mill Green

Holly class went on a trip to Mill Green Museum to extend our learning about the Great Fire of London. Here are just a few ‘Big Writes’ recounting our day. Yesterday Holly class went to Mill Green Museum. It was cold. First I went to make bread. I liked making the bread because it was … Read more

Singing Workshop – Willow Class

On Monday, Willow Class took part in a singing workshop at PHC.  Below are some of the children's blogs from the day. A first step into the PHC hall and I could tell this was going to be a great day. We sang lots of songs and took time to sort out the different types of pitches … Read more