Science in Hazel class

As part of their work on minibeasts the children went for a walk in the nature area. The children predicted what minibeasts they might see beforehand and also discussed how they could look at the minibeasts safely and without harming them in any way. The children learned about the food and shelter available in our … Read more

English and Maths lessons in Hazel class

Hazel class have been enjoying some very active English and Maths lessons recently. They had to make their own Snakes and Ladders game using a 100 square as a template. They were also practising their adding skills when they moved the counters along the board. In English, the children acted out the story of Knuffle … Read more

Festival of Languages

Hazel class had a great time celebrating Festival of Languages day! They ‘visited’ lots of interesting countries such as Bolivia, Argentina and Mexico. Everyone really enjoyed learning about different cultures and finding out more about other parts of the world. Thank you to everyone who came into school and made it possible!

Autumn Discover & Do

The weather has finally turned and autumn is officially here. We’ve been doing a lot of learning about harvest and the changing seasons in our whole class time and it has been fantastic to see the children explore these topics in their own learning time. The children have also been keen to explore using different … Read more

Sketchbook Wednesday in Maple

Wednesdays in Maple Class are Sketchbook Wednesdays: this means that we start off the day with ten minutes of drawing in our sketchbooks. We listen to peaceful music and have a lovely calm start to our day. Today, the children were given a copy of Child with a Dove by Picasso and instructed to try … Read more

Painting in Pine

In Art recently we have been exploring the work of Heather Galler. We have been busy creating various pictures and paintings. This week we worked in groups to plan and create animal paintings in the style of Heather Galler.

Football in Pine Class

We have been working hard on our football skills this half term and this week we tried putting them into action. We had our first try at some small sided matches. We have a bit of work to do on our positioning but we had lots of fun and we will try again next week.

Design & Technology

Our unit of work in Design & Technology this term started with exploring which fruits and vegetables grow in the UK. We then discussed ‘seasonality’ and knowing when different fruits and vegetables are naturally ripe and ready to eat. Through lots of discussion, we worked out together why seasonal foods are better for us and … Read more

Year 5 School Council Hustings

Year 5 have been discussing the importance of British Values, and how we can be mindful of these at school and in our everyday lives. As such, both classes recently appointed their School council representatives, who were democratically elected. Each class held a hustings, where candidates put forward their pledges to improve school life, in … Read more

Hindu Temple Visit

Last week, Year 5 went on an amazing trip to the Bhaktivedanta Manor Temple near Watford. Carrying on our learning about Hinduism, we spent the day immersed in Hindu culture; we learnt about prayers, songs and rituals, all within the incredible temple and its grounds. Donated by George Harrison (of the Beatles) back in the … Read more