Art Days in Holly class

What a fantastic time we had on our art days! Holly class were given Bancroft and the challenge was to create buildings in the style of Freidrich Hundertwasser. We started by experimenting with pattern and learning about complimentary colours. Then, with just three colours, we were able to mix paint on the paper to create … Read more

Beautiful batik art from Willow Class

We have thoroughly enjoyed the 'Art Days' in Willow Class this week.  We were given Sun Street in Hitchin to recreate the buildings in the style of Austrian artist Friedrich Hundertwasser using various mediums. The children really embraced this style as Hundertwasser liked to use bright colours and interesting design features such as hidden faces and lollipop trees. … Read more

Year One Visit Shuttleworth

What an interesting day we all had at The Shuttleworth Collection! We started the day looking around the hangars at the huge collection of aeroplanes, which included a scale replica of the Wright Brothers record making plane, a de Havilland Comet and the original Bleriot XI from 1909. There was so much to see and … Read more

Ash Class go to Shepreth Wildlife Park

Yesterday Ash Class visited Shepreth Wildlife Park, where they had a wonderful day. The children were all very excited as we walked to Hitchin station to catch the train.  Four very friendly railway staff helped us to get on and off the train and to cross the level crossing at Shepreth. After our short walk … Read more

Hip Hop Hooray! – Willow Rap Stars

This week Willow wrote and performed their own raps in the style of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Having been inspired by their incredibly cool teacher rapping along to her childhood favourite programme (how old is she??), Willow Class performed their own raps. The children tried to tell a story as they rapped, like … Read more

Good deeds for ActionAid UK

Over the Easter break, the children in Willow Class were busy raising money to support our sponsored child in Nepal through ActionAid.  The children aimed to raise at least £1 each by giving their ‘time’ to do jobs and to help others in return for sponsorship.  The list was impressive:  holding cake sales, vacuuming, sorting … Read more

Fitzwilliam Museum

On Wednesday 8th May, Maple class went on their trip to the Fitzwilliam museum in Cambridge. The purpose of the trip was to learn more about the Ancient Egyptians for our current history topic. After we had put our things in the classroom area, we met our guide and went through the museum to the … Read more

Up, Down, Flying around in Holly Class

Thank you to everyone who brought in a remote controlled toy for our computing lesson last week. We had a great afternoon trying out all the amazing toys.  There were talking and shooting robots, a voice activated dog, a wind up robot and all kinds of remote controlled vehicles – we even had a car … Read more