Save the Environment Rap

During English, Cherry and Chestnut Class experimented with creating raps. We then had a Rap Battle. A group of Year 5 girls won with their rap about caring for the environment.


As part of their R.E. topic of the Christmas story, the children made Christingles before lighting them outside in the playground.

The Snowman

Holly class enjoyed performing their version of The Snowman for the Christmas performance. Everyone was fantastic and looked great! Let’s hope we get some snow this winter, so we can build some snowmen of our own.

Willow’s Got Talent

Willow Class showed their varied skills in a Christmas talent show. We had singers, comedians, actors, piano and violin players as well as poets! We had lots of fun and the children were very brave to perform in front of their peers.

Willow Class Christmas sketch – The Santa Trap!

For our Christmas production this year Willow Class performed their own version of ‘The Santa Trap’ by Jonathan Emmett. They were all fantastic and fully enjoyed getting into character, as the photos show! Let’s hope that they got more than bandages and socks in their stocking this year!

Dance by Chance

All of Year 2 have spent time this half term learning about different dance movements. We have looked at how our body can move, the different levels we can use as well we how we can compose a dance using a dice! The children worked well in groups to generate a routine and choreograph following … Read more