Viking fun in Willow Class

Willow Class thoroughly enjoyed learning about all about Vikings today in our Viking workshop. Everyone very much looked the part and certainly got into character for the day! Our Viking guide told us about many aspects of Viking life; from home life to how they travelled around the world. The children also had the opportunity … Read more

Properties of materials

In our science lesson today Holly class were learning about the different properties of materials. We had lots of fun sorting the objects into different groups – flexible or rigid, smooth or rough.

Bread tasting in DT

Year 3 are making sandwiches in their DT lessons this term. They began by trying a variety of bread types to see which they liked best. This included white bread, wholemeal, pitta bread, baguette, multi seed and flatbread. The children rated the bread according to their preference. The baguette and white bread were most popular … Read more

Wildlife Trust visit Year 3

Carl from the Wildlife Trust visited Year 3 over the course of 4 weeks to talk to them about the nature and wildlife in Britain. They learned many interesting facts about local wildlife and how the children can do their bit to look after and protect these creatures. Below are some photos of Elm class … Read more


To finish their work on the Stone Age, Year 3 had a go at recreating Stonehenge using Wotsits! They had to build the structure by making the ends of the crisps wet and sticking them together to form mini ‘stones’. The children really enjoyed this activity and created some realistic structures.

A lesson on Friction

Year 3 have been learning about friction in their Science lessons. They had to carry out an investigation to understand the effects of friction. They used toy cars and a variety of different surfaces to see which would create the most and least friction.

House Cup Winners

Saturn are the winners of the House Cup for this last half term. We decided to present it at the start of the new term to generate enthusiasm and excitement for the term ahead. The House Points were: Saturn 725 Mars 689 Jupiter 638 Neptune 629

Christmas in Year 3

The Year 3 children did a fantastic job with their recent performances in the Key Stage 2 show, with lots of children filling in at the last minute due to illness! It’s good to know that we have some budding actors in our midst, and also some great understudies!

Beech play with their food!

In the last week before Christmas, Beech were given a rare opportunity to play with their food. Having looked at digestion in autumn term, it was time to see what they had remembered so they were given a collection of unusual items and asked to turn them in to the digestive system. The only thing … Read more