Worry Dolls in PHSE

We have been talking lots about coping with Worries in PHSE. One of the ideas we discovered from Guatemala is to create Worry Dolls which we can talk to before bed to help us clear our minds. Enjoy looking at our Worry Dolls (you might even spot a Worry Pet too).

Finger Puppets

We have made a fun start to our new Design and Technology topic! The children all made finger puppets today and really enjoyed putting characters to their animals. Also, a big thank you to everyone who has brought in a puppet to share with the class – we’ve seen some amazing hand puppets, sock puppets, … Read more

Ash Class

The children have heard lots of different versions of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ this week. In one version the adults read it as a play with puppets…. the children then had a go themselves!

Learning how to paint like Rousseau

Year 2 have were introduced to their artist for this term, Henri Rousseau. After learning all about his life, we started to look closely at his artwork. After studying his work and thinking carefully about the different shapes he creates, we then learnt about creating a wash. The children then all had a go at … Read more

Year 2 Dance

Year 2 have had a great few weeks learning all about explorative dance! We started off by learning what a dance story is and trying to remember all the techniques and terms we learnt last term! The stimulus for the dance stories was shells. We talked about all the different types and all the different … Read more