Harry Potter Fun

Year 5s from Cherry and Chestnut Class took a walk into town to attend the Waterstone’s Harry Potter event. Some children chose to wear their cloaks and hats and there were many wands in attendance! Once there, they each went under the Sorting Hat to find out whether they were Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin or Hufflepuff. … Read more

Elm Class Bollywood Dance Assembly

Elm class performed their class Assembly to the rest of the school on Wednesday 5th February. They showcased the Bollywood dancing they have been learning in their PE lessons this half term. The children all spoke their lines clearly and danced beautifully. The colourful costumes really added to the performance. Here are some photos.

Elm Class visit Cambridge Botanic Gardens

On Tuesday 4th February Elm class visited the Botanic Gardens in Cambridge as part of their Science work on plants. Throughout the morning they took part in three activities – planting a seed, learning how plants adapt to their environment and taking part in a scavenger hunt. After lunch the children had a go at … Read more

Pattern work in Art for Year 3

Year 3 have been looking at patterns in Art this half term. Elm class produced a lovely display, showing off their pattern work.  We looked at the work of abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky. We talked about the primary colours and how we could mix them to make secondary colours.  The children in Maple had a … Read more

St Mary’s Church

Pine had an amazing time learning all about the church’s history and its most important features. We also learnt a lot about Christianity. Chris the Vicar and Warwick gave us lots to think about so we are very grateful to them and also to the parents who helped with the trip.  

The Chocolate River isn’t flowing…

Willow Class was set the science challenge of find the best thermal insulator for the chocolate river from Willy Wonka’s factory. The river keeps slowing down and setting, meaning the boats can’t get around and it isn’t getting mixed as Willy Wonka would like. The children set up an experiment to test if foil, newspaper, … Read more

Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Our Art work was inspired by the famous artist and architect: Charles Rennie Mackintosh. We produced one collaborative piece and then used geometric patterns, flowers and roses to create mood boards and stained glass windows.