Oompa Loompa’s plea for help

As part of Willow’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory themed science unit, the children tried to help the Oompa Loompa’s boost the conductivity of Wonka Vision. The children had to test different metals to see which was the best electrical conductor. Mike TeaVee would then be able to see a chocolate bar be transported from … Read more

Kindness Award

Every half term a pupil is chosen to receive the Kindness Award. All adults working in school can nominate children for the award and they will all receive a certificate. The pupil with the most nominations is awarded a certificate and the award for the next half term. These pupils all received a highly commended … Read more

Saturn win the House Cup!

For the third time this school year, Saturn have won the house cup. Well done to everyone in Saturn who earned house points. The final scores were: Saturn 803 Mars 799 Jupiter 714 Neptune 672

A busy last week of the half term

Over the last two weeks we have been busy learning about old toys. Kate from Stevenage Museum gave the children a chance to talk about and handle some of the old toys from the museum. We set up our own toy museum and have looked at our favourite toys. The children have planted bulbs and … Read more

Inter-house Kick Rounders⚽️

A tense inter-house tournament has been taking place in PE! Each house has been battling to score the most rounders. The children have fielded and kicked well. There have been some amazing catches and great tactical play!

Making sandwiches for DT

This term in DT Year 3 have been designing a healthy sandwich. We tasted bread to help us decide what to use then we talked about the fillings that would be healthy or unhealthy. The children designed their own sandwich and yesterday Maple had a go at making them. First the children buttered the bread, then … Read more

Scooterbility ?

Year 2s had a great afternoon outside yesterday learning how to be safe on their scooters! They learnt all about the importance of using their brake and not just jumping off the scooter. They thought about all the potential things they might meet on a path when scooting such as people and animals. The children … Read more

Growing potatoes in Oak and Ash

Oak and Ash class are growing potatoes again this year. Ash are growing the Rocket variety and Oak are growing a variety called Colleen. The seed potatoes are being ‘chitted’ for two weeks prior to planting. This involved placing the seed potatoes on holes in a box to keep them steady, being careful not to knock off … Read more

Columbus Fun in Holly Class

This half term, Year 1 have been learning all about Christopher Columbus and his voyage of discovery. We learnt all about the sailors’ journey including tasting food (such as sardines and dry biscuits) and singing sea shanties. Then we imagined what it would have been like landing at San Salvador. Everyone enjoyed tasting the sweet … Read more

Maple Class visit the Botanic Gardens

Maple had a great time visiting the Botanic Gardens in Cambridge last week. The children completed a number of activities including seed planting and identifying different plants and trees. Have a look at some of our photos!