Maths Home Learning

Mrs Wheat’s Maths group – as well as the homework set on MyMaths, you may want to complete the home learning lessons on WhiteRose each day as this will help teach you the content. If the link doesn’t take you to the exact page, just go to Year 6 and it will! Listen to … Read more

Year 3 Home Learning

Please find below work for home learning in Year 3 (attachments at the end). For now, we are keeping it simple; lots of the resources are the same booklets/ideas that came home last week as most children were still in school until Friday. Please have a go at these over the next week/two weeks. Our … Read more

Year 1 Home Learning – Spring wk11

Each Monday we will be putting weekly work on the website for Maths, English including phonics and other foundation subjects. Please don’t feel under pressure to complete everything. It’s more important that your child is calm, happy and enjoys the learning experience. Little and often is always the best policy and if you can only … Read more

The William Ransom Orbit – Spring 2020

The Orbit team have been busy writing articles for the Spring edition of the Orbit. As many children will not be at school for the next few weeks we have decided to upload it to the website instead of sending out a printed issue this term.We hope you enjoy reading it!Don’t forget to enter the … Read more

Interactive Links

Here are some interactive links you could also use with your child if you are looking for additional tasks. Once the pdf is open, click on the task you’d like to do and you will be taken straight to the relevant page and activity. Follow the link below to view the pdf: