Cherry and Chestnut MyMaths – feedback

Hello everyone! Only two more days left of home schooling before the Easter holidays and it looks like you have all been working really hard!! I just wanted to let my maths group know that I have left feedback on your tasks. This can be found after you log on to your own portal. From … Read more

Year 3 Home Learning Week 2.

We hope that you’ve had a great first week of home learning and we’ve enjoyed seeing lots of your work on Twitter! For anyone not following us we are @Year3WR. This week we have asked you to continue working through the work set last week. Here is a tick list of the activities set so … Read more

Home Learning Update 2

Dear Parents, I hope the second week at home is going well and that you’re looking forward to Easter. In case you hadn’t noticed there is more than just the home learning pack for free on On the homepage you will see a grey tab near the top called free resources, if you click … Read more

Home Learning 30.3.20

The Learning Pack sent home contains lots of information about what the children should be doing over this term and into the summer term. Each week we will post an update with reminders and any new resources we have come across to supplement what you already have at home. There are a range of ideas … Read more

Outdoor maths activities

Inspired by William, I’ve put together some ideas of outdoor maths you can do! Let’s hope the weather cheers up. Statistics Go on a short minibeast hunt. Create a graph to show the types of minibeasts that you found. Which type of graph will you use? What will you put in the x-axis? What will … Read more

Willow maths activities for week commencing 30th March

Please find below and attached the suggested maths activities for this week.  We are aware that some people don’t have access to printers and some children have limited access to PCs. With this is mind, we’ve uploaded the lessons and the worksheets and also provided suggestions of work from the textbooks. Do not feel obliged … Read more

Willow Achiever of the Week and House Points

Willow Achiever of the Week This is our achiever of the week for his inventive way to learn maths. During time at home it can be difficult to keep motivated to learn. Therefore, he tried to think of some different ways and also some ideas which involved sport and the outdoors. Trampoline and football maths … Read more

Willow Class – Suggested English Tasks for w.c 30.3.20

Spelling This week’s spellings can be found below together with some spelling activities.  Spelling group – please learn the six words in red (challenge: learn all ten spellings).  Grammar Have a go at the game below: Choose a verb (eg eating) and then an adverb (to describe the verb- eg quickly).  Act out the verb … Read more

Fiction Express

Are you running out of books? I’ve now allocated each of you a Username and Password so that you can access the above website. (Chestnut Class we already read these sometimes so you know all about Fiction Express already.) New books are written half termly and you can vote as to how the story continues. … Read more