Cherry & Chestnut Home Learning w/c 27.4.2020

Great work last week everybody. Try to do an English and Maths task every day. Here are some suggestions for other subjects. Again, remember this work is to help you and not intended to cause you anxiety. Choose subjects and tasks which you think you will enjoy. Please do email your teacher if you have … Read more

Reception Home Learning 27.4.20

It’s week 2 of the Summer term and we hope you are all doing ok. The work outlined below is for you to look through and do what you can when you can. There are lots of ideas on here to hopefully suit everyone in every situation so please look through and choose according to … Read more

Orbit Spring Photo Competition

Thank you to everyone who has entered the Orbit Spring Photo competition. We’ve had lots of amazing entries as you can see below. The Orbit team will decide on our winners when we are back in school, but we thought it would be nice to share them with you all for now. Seb has also … Read more

Home Learning Photos

We continue to love seeing all of the amazing home learning you are doing at home! Thank you for sending us your photos and remember we want to see any learning you are doing! This might be baking, reading in the sunshine, walking your dog, making your bed, tidying your room, helping with dinner or … Read more

Year 1 Home Learning – Summer Week 2

Here are some suggestions for next week’s Home Learning. However, we wanted to reassure you that we understand everyone is in different situations. Please don’t feel under pressure to complete all the work we set. Some of you will have more time than others and some will be learning in different ways. Contact us by … Read more

Happy Earth Day!

We’ve been sent some great links to online lessons and activities about rainforests which are perfect for Beech Class but are open to all KS2 children that are interested. Today marks the 50th anniversary of World Earth Day and below is some information about the things you can take part in. Staring at 10am this … Read more

More ideas for Beech Class

Dear Parents, I have amended the My Maths so there are now just five tasks for this week and will look at setting Whiterose work for next week. The lessons for My Maths this week are revision of topics we covered before Easter which will lead into the next unit on fractions. Even if there … Read more

Summer Term

We hope you all had a good Easter break, taken time to have a rest and are looking forward to starting another week of learning! You already have work for the next two weeks, from the original timetable given before the holidays (this is attached again at the bottom of this post). Keep trying to … Read more

Home Learning Update 3

Dear Parents, I hope you and the children are well and that you enjoyed the Easter sunshine. It’s important to have a break but we are now at the start of a new term, so I have some new work for the children. I have set a My Maths task for each day for the … Read more