Home Learning Photos

We continue to love seeing all the different ways you are learning at home. Keep sending us your photos and we hope you enjoy looking at some of this week’s learning! Stay safe and well.

Beech Home Learning Update 5

Dear Parents/Guardians and Children, Well, we’ve made it to May and the second week of summer term. I hope you’re keeping well and getting to enjoy the sunshine when you get a chance. I have added this update as a document below in case you would prefer to print/save it rather than log into the … Read more

Year 3 Home Learning – Summer Week 3

Please find below Maths and English activities for you to complete, as well as some ideas for foundation subjects to choose from. As Friday is a Bank Holiday there is no Maths lesson set for Friday and we would encourage you to take the day off from Home Learning and perhaps try some of the … Read more

Year 1 Home Learning – Summer week 3

Here are some suggestions for next week’s Home Learning. Again, please don’t feel under pressure to complete all the work we set. Some of you will have more time than others and some will be learning in different ways. Contact us by email if you have any questions and thank you – you’re all doing … Read more

Home Learning Summer Week 3

Dear Parents and Children, Thank you so much for all of the wonderful emails, poems, stories and photos of your activities that we have received this week.  It is really lovely to hear from you and to know that you are all safe and well.  It’s really good for us to see what you have … Read more

Reception Home Learning 4.5.20

Well done on getting through some of the activities suggested last week – we have been so impressed with the butterflies and seeing all the other things you have been getting up to – keep it up! All activities below are for you to access when and how you can. For this week we have: … Read more

Butterflies in Reception!

Oak and Ash class were given a challenge on Monday to come up with symmetrical butterflies. It’s only been a few days and look what’s been done already! What a range of beautiful butterflies! Keeping sending in your photos – it’s great how every single butterfly is different but they are all absolutely amazing! Well … Read more

Beech Home Learning Update 4

Dear Parents, I hope Week 1 of the summer term went well and that you found a more structured list of activities useful. Here is some work for Week 2. Maths: For Maths this week I am setting Whiterose lessons which can be found through the link below. Please use Week 2 not Summer Week … Read more