Beech Home Learning 11th-15th May

Dear Parents/Guardians and Children, I hope you all enjoyed the sunny Bank Holiday and are ready for another week of home schooling. Just think, only two more weeks and then you can have a well-deserved rest. Here are your lessons for this week… Maths – Either Whiterose Summer Week 4 (w/c 11th May) or My … Read more

Willow Class- Home Learning Week 4

Please find below some suggested home learning tasks for w/c 11.5.20. Please don’t feel that you need to print everything out. Most (if not all) of the activities can be completed in exercise books (no need to copy out questions – just write down the answers). Spelling Summer Week 4 spellings are more common exception … Read more

Year 1 Home Learning – Summer Week 4

Here are some suggestions for next week’s Home Learning. Again, please don’t feel under pressure to complete all the work we set or feel pressured by what other people are doing. Some of you will have more time than others and some will be learning in different ways. Keep going – you’re all still doing … Read more

Reception Home Learning 11.5.20

It has been lovely to continue to see and hear all the things you are have been doing while away from school. Keep going – keep doing what you can do and remember it’s important to play, listen to stories and get outside. Please find below links to the optional home learning activities although you … Read more

Cherry & Chestnut Home Learning Summer Week 4

Dear Parents, We are aware that some families may be finding Lockdown tricky.  The website below has lots of resources, films, stories and advice for both children and adults to support your health and wellbeing. Dear Parents and Children, We have been inundated and impressed with wonderful emails and examples of your work – … Read more

Beech Home Learning Photos

Dear Parents/Guardians and Children, I have been going through some of the photographs you have sent me and wanted to share them with everyone. It’s been lovely to hear from you whether that was an email or a tweet and with or without photos, it’s been great to see what you’ve been up to and … Read more