Pine are show ready!

Thank you to all of the adults who came to watch our Christmas performance of Nativity the Musical. We hope you all enjoyed it. You should be able to watch the video soon but in the meantime, here are some pre-show photos!

Christmas Cheer in Holly Class

Holly class have been thoroughly enjoying the build up to Christmas! The children have all sewn a stocking and hung it on the fireplace ready for Santa. In RE lessons, we have been learning about the meaning of light in different religions. The children all enjoyed making their own Christingles. All the children enjoyed performing … Read more

Christingles in Hazel Class

As part of their work in RE, Hazel class learned about Christingles. The children used satsumas to represent the world, candles to represent Jesus’ light, sweets and dried fruit to represent the four seasons and a red ribbon to represent God’s love for the world.

Decorations Day

We had a fantastic time creating decorations to put up around school. Thank you to our wonderful helpers who gave up their time to come and join us.

Hedgehog Houses

In English this week, Year One have been learning how to write instructions using bossy verbs and time connectives. We worked together to write instructions how to build a hedgehog house. Today they all had lots of fun following their instructions and took them down to the nature area. Hopefully they’ll have some new residents … Read more

Hedgehog visit in Holly and Hazel!

The Year 1 classes have been learning all about hedgehogs over the last couple of weeks and today they got to see a real hedgehog in their classroom! The children learned some interesting facts about hedgehogs, and what they can do to help look after them in the wild. Some of the children even got … Read more

Cedar Class Cook Books

Over the past few weeks, the children have been learning about the features of non-fiction texts. Our focus has been cook books. We have looked at how to structure a recipe template to include ingredients, chef’s tools, method and hints & tips. We have also looked at the purpose and function of glossaries and contents … Read more