Beech Home Learning 15th-19th June

Dear Parents/Guardians and Children, I hope you’re all well and ready for Week 8. It looks like we are set for some better weather this week-yay! This week I have set you five English tasks and Whiterose or My Maths, but if you would like to work through the maths mystery booklet instead you can. … Read more

Willow Home Learning – Summer 2 week 3

Hello Willow Class! Please find below suggested tasks and activities for w/c 15.6.20. English Spellings: author, daughter, autumn, naughty, applaud, slaughter, cause, caught, astronaut, haughty Have a look at the spellings for this week. Do you notice any patterns with the words? Did you notice that each word has the letter string ‘augh’ or ‘au’ … Read more

Home Learning Photos

Thank you again for all of the wonderful photos you are sending to us! It’s amazing to see such a huge amount of work happening at home and even though it’s now been rather a long time away from school we can see that the children are all continuing to do brilliantly with their learning. … Read more

Year 6 Yearbook activities

Hello Everyone I hope you are all well and that you had a lovely half term. Thank you to everyone who has sent me their 5 photos over the weekend. If you haven’t done this yet, don’t forget to send them through to me. Remember, I would like you to send me 5 photos to … Read more

Reception Learning 8.6.20

It was lovely to see some of the children return to school last week. They all settled very quickly and worked really hard. Thank you to all the parents for preparing the children so well. The learning resources below follow the same format as before. The literacy and math plans show the teaching that will … Read more

Year 3 Home Learning – Summer Week 7

We’ve seen some more fantastic work this week and we are so proud of how you are all doing, keep up the good work! Please aim to do some daily Maths and English/other foundation work. As usual, you can contact us on email or via twitter @Year3WR for any support or clarification that you need. … Read more

Beech Home Learning 8th-12th June

Dear Parents/Guardians and Children, Welcome to Summer Week 7, although it doesn’t feel very summery right now! Your emails and pictures of your puppets and poems has certainly brightened up my weekend though, that’s for sure! I hope you’re all getting on OK at home and that you’re managing to get out now we’re allowed … Read more

Home Learning Week 7

Well done on all your hard work. Remember to do English and Maths every day. Foundation subjects are optional but fun! Email us any questions, worries or examples of work you are proud of. Unfortunately, our subscription to Languagenut has ended so try the website below to practise your French instead. English Please do … Read more