Year 3 Home Learning – Summer Week 9

Hopefully you are starting to feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel, with just four weeks left to go of home schooling. You are all doing so well with your work and just need to keep trying your best for a few more weeks. We are missing seeing all of you … Read more

Home Learning w/c 22nd June 2020

IMPORTANT MESSAGE – IF YOU ARE A YEAR 5 COMING INTO SCHOOL, DO NOT DO THE TASKS WHICH HAVE (SCHOOL WORK) IN BRACKETS AFTER THEM. If there are any tasks uncompleted by Friday, you can do them at home on Friday. Spelling Work: Tackle pages 22-28 (school work) Anecdote Task : Did I ever tell … Read more

Year 1 work – Summer week 9

Thank you for sharing some of your work, it’s great to see how you’re getting on and lovely to see some of you in person! Here is the learning for Summer week 9, again we have allocated work to particular days for English and Maths. Hopefully this will avoid repetition of work and enable you … Read more

Beech Home Learning 22nd-26th June

Dear Parents/Guardians and Children, I know it must be hard being away from school, it’s certainly very strange being there without you, but I want you all to know I think you’re doing a great job. I really appreciate everything your parents are doing and how hard you are trying with your work. Everybody is … Read more

Home Learning Update

As we are getting closer to the end of term we thought we would refocus the learning for the children as we are aware lots of you will be at different points. Below is a timetable for the final four weeks of term, starting from Monday 22nd June. Each day there will be an English … Read more

Reception Learning 15.6.20

The aliens have landed! Thank you for your photos of the weird and wonderful creations so far, please keep them coming in! Reception learning for this week continues to follow previous weeks format. Literacy Plan Literacy resources: In school rhymes sheet , Ronald the Rhino PowerPoint, In school rhyming sheet 2, rhyming strings homework, Bug … Read more

Year 3 Home Learning – Summer Week 8

And so we are already another week into the Summer term! Hopefully the sun will come back this week and we can enjoy some time outside. It’s been great to see more of the fantastic work produced by you this week. Here’s the suggested home learning for this coming week – please aim to do … Read more

Year 1 work – Summer week 8

As per last week, some of you will be in school this week, so we have allocated work to particular days for English and Maths. Hopefully this will avoid repetition of work and enable you to prepare children for the days they are in school.Please email us if you have any Maths This week’s Flashback … Read more