Willow Home Learning w.c 13.7.20

Well, here we are in our final week of home-learning. It has officially been the strangest term ever and one that we are in no hurry to repeat! We keep saying it, but we are incredibly proud of you all. You have coped so well during this extremely challenging time; your emails and pictures have … Read more

Reception Learning- Week Beginning 13th July

The children have enjoyed learning about elephants and penguins over the past two weeks. Now it is the final week of the summer term and it’s all about pirates!! Please use the planning and resources as you would like and remember it is all optional. The children have amazed us at how resilient and adaptive … Read more

Year 1 Learning – Summer week 12

We’ve made it to the last week of the school year and here is the last week’s learning for Year 1. We’ve been so impressed with how everyone has managed through this unusual time and with all the learning you have been doing at home. It’s been a pleasure to teach you and we wish … Read more

Oak and Ash class – Transition to Year 1

To support your child’s transition into Year 1 in September, we have put together a Transition Booklet – see below. We recommend you read through this with your child now, and again before you return in September. It will hopefully help to reduce some of the anxiety they may be feeling in the absence of … Read more

Home Learning w/c 6th July 2020

We hope you enjoyed the online Art lessons as much as we did. Can you work out which child is which from Copper Pod’s cartoons above. Mrs Hall was so proud of her work that she had to include it in the photo! Year 5 – If you are coming into school this week, remember … Read more

Beech Home Learning 6th-10th July

Dear Parents/Guardians and Children, Well, we are nearly there, just two more weeks to go! I think you’ve all done amazingly well just to be at home all this time, let alone to get some work done too. Of course, it may not be doing schoolwork that’s meant you’ve been learning things, some of you … Read more

Year 3 Home Learning Summer Week 11

And so we reach the penultimate week of the school year and the end of term approaches. We hope you had a great week and continue to choose the activities that suit you. Remember that if you were at school at the moment our work would be broken up with Sports day, transition day and … Read more

Reception Learning 6.7.20

Time is flying by and we can’t thank you enough for all your hard work, support and commitment in these unusual times. The children, whether at home or at school, continue to keep on learning, keep on smiling and keep on surprising us with their adaptability and resilience. They are simply awesome. We move on … Read more

Willow Home Learning w/c 6th July

Hello Willow Class! Can you believe that we are now into our final two weeks of home-learning? Thank you all for being motivated and working so hard at home (which we know can be tricky at times!). Below are this week’s suggestions for home-learning. Year 5s, please leave the tasks highlighted in purple to do … Read more