Heart Pumping Science

The Year 5/6 classes have been getting their hands dirty and their heart rates elevated – all in the name of science. The Circulatory System is our unit and the children have been learning all about blood, blood vessels and the heart. They have listened to their own heart beats, made an accurate clay model … Read more

Year 3 Information for Parents

As we are unable to offer a Parents’ Information Evening at this time due to Covid 19 restrictions, we have put together some information which we hope will be useful for parents of our new Year 3 children. We have really enjoyed getting to know the children this week and are impressed at how well … Read more

First Day Back

We have had a wonderful first day back to school and are so proud of all the Year One children. They have settled in brilliantly and coped very well with lots of new routines and expectations. Well done to you all. We thought you would like to see the decorated balloons up on display, they … Read more

Welcome to Rowan class!

Hello everyone, please see below to find out a little bit more about life in Rowan class for next year. We are looking forward to welcoming you in September. Have a great summer!

Thank You

This is our last post of the academic year. Firstly we would like to thank you all for the lovely cards, kind words and generous gifts that we have received this week. We have loved teaching all of the children in Holly and Hazel classes and only regret that we didn’t have the chance to … Read more

Welcome to Chestnut Class!

I hope you enjoyed meeting your new classmates on Zoom on Monday. Usually I would be able to give you a bit more information during transition day, so please read the PowerPoint below to find out a bit more about what you can expect in September. Have a great summer!

Year 5 and 6 Holiday Homework

It is important that you are ready for all the challenges that lie ahead as a year 5 or 6. Therefore, make sure that you keep all of your basic skills exercised during the holiday. CREATIVE TASK It is always good to see what you have been getting up to over the course of the … Read more

Beech Home Learning Photos

Dear Parents/Guardians, Well, you all made it to the last week! There are just three more days left of term and then you can relax, enjoy some more socially distanced activities (hopefully in the sun) and start getting yourselves ready for Year 5. Last week I set you two weeks’ worth of work so there … Read more

Home Learning w/c 13th July

Art work by Marley. Well done everybody! We’ve all made it to the end of the year. We really hope that you have managed to find some work that you have enjoyed during Home Learning. It was always our main aim to make your learning enjoyable and rewarding. We have been so impressed with all … Read more