Ash Class apple tasting

Ash class enjoyed finding out about apples using their senses. They looked at the colour and investigated their smell, taste and texture. They came to the conclusion that they LOVED APPLES!

Displays Around Our School

Life is a little unusual at the moment and unfortunately we aren’t able to welcome visitors into school as we usually would. So, we thought it would be nice to share with you some of the wonderful displays that brighten up our corridors and classrooms and reflect the hard work happening in each and every … Read more

The Digestive System

In science this term, Beech and Lime class are learning about Animals including humans. We have spent the first few weeks finding out about the digestive system. The children started by labelling the different parts that make up the digestive system before they then focused on the functions of each. The children enjoyed learning about … Read more

Year 3 Celtic Harmony Trip

Year 3 really enjoyed their trip to Celtic Harmony on Monday. The children were transported back to the Stone Age and took part in lots of guided activities. After a brief introduction which included a demonstration of fire lighting, the children went off to build Stone Age shelters and forage for food. They then had … Read more

Do you know how to wash a woolly mammoth? Year 3 do!

Year 3 Maple and Elm classes have been learning how to write instructions. After reading ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth’ by Michelle Robinson & Kate Hindley the children investigated ‘bossy’ imperative verbs like ‘scour’ and ‘scrub’. Children imagined the resources they would need to wash a woolly mammoth and described how they would be … Read more

In Hazel Class over the last couple of weeks we have been talking about how to behave appropriately in our classroom and on the playground. It has been a long time since we have had to share a space indoors with 30 others and a playground with 60 other children! The children all enjoyed the … Read more

Fijian Festival of Languages

Cherry Class took a trip across the South Pacific Ocean to visit Fiji today. The flag gave us clues about the country! It has palm trees, bananas, sugar cane, a dove and the Union Flag on a background of blue. They discovered that Fiji is made up of over 322 islands, most of which are … Read more