Year 4 – Home learning 22.10.20-23.10.20

Dear Parents, Today your child will have come home with any sheets that they will need to complete their home learning over the next two days. We have set out three activities that we expect the children to complete each day and these can be seen below. Thursday Maths Children are to complete the White … Read more

We love Frida Kahlo!

Hazel class have been building up to completing a self portrait inspired by the amazing Frida Kahlo this half term. I think you will agree that they have done an absolutely amazing job! They have spent time learning about Frida Kahlo’s life and paintings and have truly been inspired by her work.

Let your spirit fly!

Year 3 have loved their unusual music lessons this term. We have learnt the song ‘Let your spirit fly’ and we performed it outdoors. Check us out in action below. Thank you to our Year 3 camera man who did a good job with some help from Miss Swinburne. It was tricky filming everyone in … Read more

Special visit in Pine

Pine Class have been thinking about the important things we need to survive and about how to look after a baby. We prepared questions to research everything about looking after a baby. Today we had a special visit from Miss Vivian, who then answered all of our questions. This will really help us to make … Read more

Getting Creative in Holly Class

In Art this term, we are learning all about portraits. We started by looking at some famous portraits from artists such as Frida Kahlo, Andy Warhol, Vincent Van Gogh and Leonardo da Vinci. Then we looked at proportions and started sketching self portraits, looking closely at our features. After that, the children painted portraits, working … Read more

Busy days in Ash Class

This week we have been busy creating our own Van Gogh Cornfields by using oil pastel. We do our ‘Funky Fingers’ activities every morning to help build up strong hands. We have been learning about our senses and we used our sense of touch to sort out a range of objects according to how they … Read more

PE this half term

This half term, we have been perfecting our skills in Athletics and creating a dance to the tune of Firework by Katy Perry. Hopefully, we will be able to download some videos of the finished dance routines. Click on the featured image to see lots more photos.

The Heart

Here are some photos for you to enjoy. They include the models of the heart which the children created using clay, photos of our experiment on diffusion and osmosis and our Heart Drama in the Activity Studio where we learned all about the double circulatory system and how our heart pumps oxygen around our bodies. … Read more

PE in Pine

We have been trying some indoor athletics in PE this half term. We have improved our technique in running, jumping and throwing!

Glove Puppets in Pine

We have started designing and making our glove puppets in D&T this term. This is a tricky process with lots of cutting and sewing to be done.