Unlikely Friendship Stories

Cherry, Chestnut and Rowan Class had the most fantastic time as authors and illustrators last week. We were so lucky to have Jessica Meserve – local author, artist and Mum to Rowan – come in to work very closely with the children. The week started with a whole year bubble workshop where Jessica explained to … Read more

Anyone for Tennis?

For the first half of the term of the year, Year 4 were brushing up on both their tennis and hockey skills, but as the weather gets colder, they’ll be moving indoors to work on their dance and athletics. In tennis, they practised their bat and ball skills before moving on to paired rallies and … Read more

Year 4 – Home Learning 2.11.20 – 4.11.20

We hope you’ve all had a lovely half term despite having to stay indoors.  We can see from the photos you’ve sent us that you’ve managed to be very creative with your time – thanks for sharing! There are just three more days of home learning and then we can all be together again at … Read more

Viewpoints in Art

Our half-term views may only be of our gardens and rain but in school Art lessons, Year 4 have been looking at Viewpoints. So far, we’ve used photography, collage, paint and watercolours to create aerial views, abstract reflections and landscapes.

Luscious Lunch!

In design & technology, Year 3 have been researching and designing a luscious lunch! After investigating healthy packed lunch choices, they considered and made the packaging for a dessert bar and planned toppings for a salad. They enjoyed chopping, mixing, slicing and grating to create colourful pasta salad and tasty rocky road bar. They couldn’t … Read more

Year 4 – Ideas for self-isolation

Stuck for ideas of things to do with your child during their self-isolation this half term?  Fear not, we are here for you and have tried to come up with some activities that you and your child might like to complete. Set up a Photo Booth Grab some costumes, props and anybody in the family … Read more

Alma Thomas art work

Oak and Ash class have been learning about the work of African American artist, Alma Thomas, as part of Black History month. They enjoyed creating their own pieces of art in her style.

? Halloween Fun in Year 2 ?

We have had a great day in Year 2. There were all sorts of scary creatures in school today and they got to strut their stuff on the spooky catwalk! We even had some glamorous judges!

Year 4 TTRS Challenge

As TTRS is one of your tasks today, we have set up a friendly battle between our two classes. It lasts for one day. Which class will come out on top? If you need a reminder of your TTRS login please contact Mrs Wheat or Miss Eldridge.