Year 3 D&T ‘Project Pencil Case’

Year 3 have been very hard at work practising their design and technology skills, ready to create their own pencil case. First, they investigated different types of pencil cases. Then they practised their drawing skills. Have a look at some of their lovely stationery drawings below: Next, they practised sewing using different types of stitch. … Read more

Flying with Peter Pan!

In English, Year Ones have been discovering and enjoying the story of Peter Pan. They learnt all about the exciting characters of Captain Hook, Tinkerbell, Peter Pan, Wendy and all the gang! We were really impressed with the writing the children did, both in school and at home. There is a selection of battle stories … Read more

Year 2 Home Learning Update

You are all doing an excellent job with the home learning and using Google Classroom very well. We will continue to put up daily assignments, which should be turned in for feedback. For those who wish to do extra work I have uploaded booklets below, which can be worked through. If you do want to … Read more

Year 4 Home Learning w/c 11.01.21

We are now moving away from using the school website to publish our home learning tasks and instead we will be posting these onto your child’s page in Google Classroom. For those of you yet to log in, we have attached the home learning plan for the week below. Please note that the resources needed … Read more

Home Learning w/c 11.1.2021

Please use Google Classroom to access Home Learning this week. Monday’s English work is here just in case there are any problems on the first day. Hopefully, thereafter this won’t be needed. Remember to contact your teacher if there are any problems, but we may be teaching Keyworker children so you may need to wait … Read more

Spring Week 1 – Art

Pattern and Line – Henri Rousseau Jungle Start by Googling paintings by Henri Rousseau. Can you identify key features of the pictures? We are going to be using Rousseau because it lets us use and practise lots of different art skills. Use the prompt cards in the Power Point (slide 8) and look at the … Read more

Spring Week 1 – History

Nurturing nurses: Florence Nightingale, Edith Cavell and Mary Seacole. Do you know what the word significant means? It can imply someone of importance. Who is important to you? It could be Mum/Dad, family members etc, dance teachers, school teachers, doctors etc. Read through the Power Point below and then record in your books someone significant … Read more

Welcome 2021 Assembly

Mrs Driver wants to welcome everyone to 2021 in her assembly. This would normally be shared with the whole school in class but as so many of you are home learning, we thought this was the best way to share it! Look out for future assemblies!

Home Learning Exercise Books Available

We have put an exercise book for every child in the lobby at the main entrance of the school. Please collect any time during school hours. Home learning is to be completed in this book and returned to school when we return to normal. Please also keep any print outs or separate art work to … Read more