Year One – Cracking Contraptions!

This week is British Science week and we have celebrated in Year One by having a full day of science! The theme is Innovating For The Future and our focus has been on homes. The children were introduced to ideas about what our homes might look like in the future, how they might be powered … Read more

British Science Week 2021

It’s British Science Week! The theme this year is ‘Innovating for the Future’ and the children will be thinking about what homes will be like in the future. We’ve all been spending far more time at home than usual and using more technology than ever before. So how could this change in another 10, 20 … Read more

Beech and Lime World Book Day – Thursday 4th March

World Book Day 2021 We would like you to have an enjoyable day today immersing yourself in all things connected to books! Mrs Driver has prepared a special assembly for you to watch at 9.30 a.m. This will be available on the school website. On Google Classrooms, we’ve posted Episode 9 of The Wind in … Read more

Bar Modelling help sheet!

Here is a help sheet for using bar modelling for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children should be fairly confident with this! The help sheet also includes fraction work in case this is needed.

A great start for Beech and Lime!

Year 4 have done a brilliant job with their learning this half term and we’re very excited to share it with you all! They have revised their multiplication and division skills in Maths and used their knowledge of estimating, rounding and place value to help them with their work on money. Most recently they have … Read more

Year 5-6 Home Learning photos.

We’ve been so impressed with the work produced by Year 5 and 6 over the last few weeks. The children themselves have chosen some work that they are proud of and we’ve chosen some other examples too, to give you an idea of what we’ve been up to this half term in Cherry, Chestnut and … Read more

Belonging in Year 1

Over the last few weeks in RE we have been looking at what it means to belong. Last week we looked at what it means to belong to our school. All the children shared some wonderful comments about what it means to belong to William Ransom and their class. We are all so lucky to … Read more

Year 3 Myths

In our English lessons this term, Year 3 have been studying myths. We read lots of Greek myths and learnt all about heroes, quests and fearsome mythological creatures. We created our own mythological creatures and finished our topic by writing our own myths. We hope you enjoy reading some of our exciting stories.