Awesome Axes

Elm and Maple class have been learning all about life in the Stone Age. We discovered that Stone Age people were very clever and made lots of tools out of stone and wood. In our Art lessons, we have been studying 3D modelling using a range of media, including clay and papier maché. We decided … Read more

A Busy First Half Term in Year One!

What a busy half term we’ve had in Year One – now time for a well earned rest! This week, Year One all finished their Tudor Houses in preparation for our Great Fire of London day on Tuesday 9th November. Hazel class also went out looking for signs of autumn and Holly class went hunting … Read more

PE in Year 2

Year 2 have combined the skills of Netball and Benchball this half term. They are now very confident on the court and have played lots of competitive matches between the classes.

Self Portraits in Hazel class

In Art this week the children in Hazel class have had a go at drawing self portraits. They spent the first part of the lesson studying their features in the mirror and then had a go at sketching what they could see. They tried hard to pick the right colouring pencils for eye, hair and … Read more

Hazel enjoy some yoga!

Hazel class have been learning some yoga in their PE lesson this week. They really enjoyed learning the new poses and tried hard to improve their balance and coordination. Here are some photos of Hazel class doing the yoga to a story about a stick insect called Stella!

Year 3 visitors

Year 3 have been enjoying their Science lessons this term learning about the Skeleton. We have learnt some scientific names for human bones and then compared these to animal bones. We really enjoyed observing some wriggly worms, which have hydrostatic skeletons. We watched them carefully and wrote down what we noticed about the way they … Read more