Who’s been eating my porridge?!

We’ve had a great week in Reception that ended with some porridge tasting this afternoon. The children have really enjoyed their learning on Goldilocks and the Three Bears and their maths learning on triangles and circles. We have linked our learning of circles and triangles to the artist Wassily Kandinsky. Below is a selection of … Read more

Y6 dissect owl pellets!

We were lucky enough to be joined by a science teacher from HGS in Year 6 last week, to help us with our learning on ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’. We created a food web for a barn owl to show what it may eat or be eaten by! We also looked at a taxidermy … Read more

Great Fire of London Day!

Hazel class had a great time travelling back to 1666! They had a little taste of what life would have been like during the Great Fire of London. They baked soda bread, watched some Tudor houses burn, passed buckets of water along a line and created some beautiful Art work. Special thanks to Mr Carmody … Read more

Holly go back in time to 1666!

Today, Year One went back in time to Sunday 2nd September 1666, the day the Great Fire of London started. We started the day by making soda bread because the fire started in Thomas Farriner’s bakery on Pudding Lane in London. Then we recreated the streets of London with our houses and set them on … Read more

A week of celebrations!

The children have had a fantastic week of learning. There has been so much creativity using Diwali and Bonfire Night to inspire us. Lots of the children have also been getting outdoors and helping to look after our area; it’s lovely that the colder weather hasn’t put them off!

Happy Half Term Everyone!

It’s hard to believe that the children have been in for half a term already! They have spent the time getting to know the routines and structure in Reception and we have all been getting to know each other. Please see our newsletter for information about we have been up to this week and what … Read more