Little Pig, Little Pig, Let Me Come In!

It has been such a busy week in Reception, all the children have done some amazing learning. Their Paul Horton inspired artwork is so exceptional we may use it for a display. Today the children all took part in an activity learning about textures and they were able to use some of the wonderful vocabulary … Read more

Let’s get physical!

In PE this half term, Year 6 are mastering their gymnastics skills. This week they worked on balancing on different body parts and trying to hold the balance for 3 seconds or more. They then showed off their rolling skills, demonstrating different types of roll, whilst maintaining tension and control. The children then had to … Read more

We’re going on a material hunt!

Year 2s have been learning all about materials. Last week we looked around the classroom for different materials and discussed their uses. This week we went exploring outside! The children worked in groups and hunted around the school grounds looking for lots of different materials. They found lots of different things made by the same … Read more

Feeling Good Week

Feeling Good Week really did make us all feel good. There was a huge focus on our mental wellbeing this year. Here you will see some photos of children with their First Aid certificates, the worry dolls the children created and the Phase session on building resilience. We also had lots of discussion on health … Read more

Investigating Square and Cube Numbers

Using multilink cubes, the children investigated how to make square and cube numbers. They were then challenged to make the biggest cube they could in 5 minutes. One pair managed to create 5 cubed and counted how many multilink cubes it needed. It all got very competitive!

Mandalas in RE

The children in Rowan and Willow Classes greatly enjoyed creating Mandalas in a recent RE lesson. These geometric designs hold great symbolism in Hindu and Buddhist cultures and are used as instruments of meditation. The children found the process incredibly calming. The teachers did too!

Year 3 Super Salads!

Year 3 have been very hard at work this term in design and technology. At the beginning of the term, the children used technology to research and learn about lots of different types of salad. They then tasted and evaluated different salad ingredients, before interviewing someone in their family about their favourite ingredients. After planning … Read more