Finger Puppets in Hazel Class

As part of their work on making and exploring puppets, Hazel class had a go at making finger puppets out of card. The children had to follow the instructions written on the board and used the templates provided. What do you think of the finished results?

Trip-trapping Ash and Oak class

It’s been so much fun this week and there’s been so much learning going on, both during carpet and group time and in independent learning time in Discover & Do. Some days have felt positively warmer this week and we’ve seen lots of children wanting to be outdoors more. We can’t wait for this to … Read more

Moving Toys – Year 5

In our recent DT unit, Year 5 were set the task to design an automated toy for a client. The brief was to raise awareness of endangered animals by creating a toy that would be eye-catching and also appeal to children. The children had a great time researching their animals before learning how to make … Read more

Holly Class Feed the Birds!

This weekend is the Big Garden Birdwatch. Be wowed by your local wildlife. Big Garden Birdwatch is for everyone, whether you’re a complete beginner or a birding expert and it’s easy to take part. Simply count the birds you see in your garden, from your balcony or in your local park for one hour between … Read more

Eruptions and volcanoes

This afternoon Oak class were lucky enough to carry out some “in the moment” planning. This is a wonderful aspect of the EYFS framework that enables us to capture the interests of the children in the present moment, so literally being led by something that sparks their curiosity. In this case, a member of Oak … Read more


Today we were icebergs in dance. The children worked in groups to create shapes and movements, in time to the music.

Dotty about Art!

Holly class have started learning about pattern and colour by studying the work of Georges Seurat. Using the Pointillist style, they recreated one of his famous pieces by using cotton buds and paint. In PE lessons, they have been practising football skills including dribbling and passing using the inside of of their feet. They have … Read more