Crazy Collages!

We have been looking at Henri Rousseau in Art. His art work is based on animals and plants. We have been learning all about collage and trying to imitate his work by creating our own jungle collages

Jumping into Gymnastics!

We had an exciting start to the week in PE. It was our first gymnastics lesson, using equipment. We tried different jumps and found interesting ways to move around the equipment!

Shape builders

Our shape work continues in Maths this week. We have looked back to our properties of 2D shapes and also started looking at 3D shapes! W e still have a lot of practise to do but we have made a super start, exploring and making shapes using nets. Some were very tricky but we enjoyed … Read more

Blast off!

Today we were looking at shape in Dance. We made rockets in groups and then we blasted off! We worked in time with the music and made sure we changed levels as our rockets launched!

Paper Aeroplanes

As part of their work in History, Hazel class have been learning about early aeroplanes and the first recorded flights. They had a go at making their own aeroplanes out of paper. They carefully followed the instructions to fold the paper correctly and then went outside to see whose plane would fly the furthest. The … Read more

Year 6 Science

Continuing our topic of ‘Evolution and Inheritance’, Year 6 had another visit from the Science team at HGS recently to test the theory that animals adapt to their environment and that certain traits or behaviours may be inherited. We used maggots to try to prove this, although you could try the same at home in … Read more

Year 3’s prehistoric trip to Celtic Harmony

Year 3 travelled back in time on Monday to visit Celtic Harmony camp where they experienced life in the prehistoric period from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Inside the Chieftain’s roundhouse, our guide Weylin showed us how to start a fire without using matches. Then they had the opportunity to learn many prehistoric … Read more