Who is our school named after?

This half term in History, Year 3 have enjoyed investigating who William Ransom was! The children worked together with teachers to collate information from a range of sources and began to create fact files about Ransom’s life. Mrs Driver spoke to Jane Ransom, who shared her knowledge, which we added to the information we had … Read more

Year 5 Mash Club

On Tuesday lunchtimes, some of our Year fives have been participating in ‘Mash Club’ – a computing club with an E-Safety and coding focus. They began by exploring ‘Interland’, an adventure-packed online game that puts the key lessons of digital citizenship and safety into hands-on practice. They reviewed some of the games to share with … Read more

Platinum Plate Painting in Year 2!

As part of our ongoing Jubilee celebrations, we designed and painted plates this week. We had great sessions with the artist, who came in to help us. These plates will be excellent to look back on in the future as a great reminder of the Queen’s Jubilee and a very fun day in school.

TRY-ing Hard in PE

We carried on with our learning in tag rugby this week. Our tagging and dodging skills are amazing and our passing has really improved. We had a lot of fun scoring tries and winning house points.

Science Circus

Year 2 had an excellent time last week for Science week. We got to learn all about forces and we saw them in action during a very fun circus session. Later in the day we also got to have a go ourselves! We learnt how to spin plates and then started learning how to juggle … Read more

Buddy Story Time

As the weather becomes nicer and we move into Summer Term in April, the children will spend their lunchtime on the field with the rest of the school. For lots of children this is super exciting and they enjoy the freedoms playing on the field gives. For a few, however, leaving the safety of our … Read more

Capacity work in Hazel class

Hazel class have enjoyed exploring volume in their capacity work this week. They tried to work out which containers held the most and the least amount of water. They worked as a team to count how many cups of water it took to fill up the larger containers and they were then able to order … Read more

A Fun Week in Year 1

What a busy week we’ve had in Year 1! On Thursday, a real life pilot came in to talk to us about the history of flight and flying modern aeroplanes. The children learnt how different planes are now compared to the first planes and pilots we have been learning about in History. Lots of them … Read more

Peppa Pig Fun!

Firstly, we need to start by saying how amazingly the children behaved on our trip to the theatre today. To say they were excited was an understatement – for many of them it was their first experience of a coach, the theatre and a school trip! Despite their excitement they sat beautifully on the coach … Read more