Position and direction in Year 2!

We have recently moved onto learning about position and direction in Maths. We have learnt our lefts and rights, clockwise and anti-clockwise and quarter, half and full turns. We have a lot of fun practical work to help us with this. One activity was directing our partners to a set destinations on the playground!

Jubilee dance in Year 2!

We have a big performance coming up very soon! Year 2 will be performing a dance to represent the decade of 2000-2010 as part of our whole school plan to cover each decade the Queen has been on the thrown. Here are some photos of one of our first practises!

More from Reception

During adult directed activities in maths the children have been working on their spatial awareness by rotating and moving shapes to fit spaces or match pictures. They have also been working on their keyboard skills by finding the correct letters to type their name and to do some spellings!

Summer Term is here!

It’s been great being back at school and the children have very quickly settled back into their routines. Here is a selection of photos of how they’ve been keeping themselves busy during Discover & Do over the last 2 weeks… Writing and mark making: the children have been using post it notes to write messages … Read more

RE in Year 4

In Year 4 we focus on Sikhism and Christianity in RE. Autumn term saw the children learning about the origins of Sikhism, Guru Nanak and the main beliefs as well as where they worship. As part of looking at gurdwaras, we talk about the langar and what happens there, and more importantly what this practise … Read more

Marvellous Mathematicians

During our Maths starters this week, we noticed that the children were all using the different methods we’ve been practising this year. Every child was choosing the method they preferred – some used bar models for fractions, some used dots and grouping for division, number lines for rounding and different formal methods for long multiplication. … Read more