As easy as 1, 2, 3!

The children have been doing some amazing maths work over the last couple of weeks. Our focus has been on looking at patterns of numbers beyond 20 to 100, developing spatial reasoning skills and understanding the language that can be be used to help with addition and subtraction. Here are just a few highlights of … Read more

The Great Outdoors!

With the lovely weather we’ve been having, it’s been great to get outside for some of our lessons. Holly class enjoyed a wild flower hunt last week, they looked carefully to identify different species. We also went outside for our art lesson to do some sketching from nature. The children were looking closely at shape … Read more

Colourful Kebabs!

This half term in Design and Technology, Year One have been learning all about healthy eating. We started by learning what makes a healthy snack, then went on to practise preparing different fruit and vegetables – grating, squeezing, slicing and peeling. The children went on to design their own healthy kebab, followed their plan to … Read more

Busy sewing bees!

Last term in DT, Year 6 worked on their sewing skills. We looked at examples of cushion covers and thought about the appearance and function of each one. We assessed different fabrics and learnt how to sew using different techniques. We then had the chance to design and make our own cushion cover, putting our … Read more

Potty about painting

Year 6 are looking at Watercolour paint in Art this term. Last week we starting by trying out different techniques. This week we have been using these different techniques, as well as mixing colours, to paint trees. We hope you agree they are simply stunning!

Science in Year 2

We are looking at how plants grow in Science at the moment in Year 2. We have been talking about all the things they need and we are conducting an experiment to find out. We have all planted a runner bean seed and we are going to watch how they grow. We have also planted … Read more

Display preparation in Year 2

As the whole school prepares its regal displays. Year 2 have been busy with a lot of college work. In Pine we are creating the Crown Jewels and in Cedar we are replicating flags of the Commonwealth. Hopefully you will be able to come in and see them very soon!

Rounders in Year 2

We have started learning some skills for rounders this half term, which we hope will help us build up to playing a full match! We are learning to bowl, bat and field so we are doing lots of throwing and catching!