Year 2 Timetables

We have had a very busy start to the year in Year 2 and I’m sure there have been a lot of tired children (and adults). Our timetable for this term can be seen below but please be aware that we are always having to adapt to different circumstances in school and so we may … Read more

Religions in our Neighbourhood

For the past few years, Year 4 have taken advantage of what’s on their own door step and visited the different places of worship in Hitchin. After studying Sikhism and Christianity all year, they got to take a walk in to town to a gurdwara and a church where they got to see everything they … Read more

Year 3 Meet The Parents

It was lovely to see so many parents this morning. We hope you found the information useful. For those who would like to see the presentation again, and for those parents who were unable to attend, please find the PowerPoint below.

PHSE with Phase

GROW with Phase Phase is a small, local charity which works alongside young people to promote their wellbeing and resilience. They help educate young people as they navigate their way through the challenges of growing up, being at school, taking exams, making friends, planning their time, dealing with conflict and change and moving on. When … Read more

Clay Pots

Hazel class spent this afternoon making coil pots out of clay. They watched a video on how to make them and followed the step by step instructions. They used a variety of skills to mould and shape the clay such as kneading, rolling and scoring. We will now leave the pots to air dry and … Read more

Lots of Pots!

To finish our Art topic, Holly class created these colourful clay coil pots. They decorated them by mixing primary coloured paint and used interesting patterns. In Science, we have been learning about what a plant needs to grow. Holly class set up an experiment with two Basil plants. We watered one plant and didn’t water … Read more

Natural Mandalas in RE

A beautiful, spiritual and creative way to explore nature creatively is to make mandalas and that is exactly what Rowan and Willow Class did last week. They created some absolutely beautiful mandalas using whatever they could find from the field, the area near their playground and the nature area. Some of them found it very difficult to destroy their … Read more

Isle of Struay

Cedar class have enjoyed a fun afternoon recreating the buildings from the Katie Morag stories. They worked in pairs to design the buildings using the map from the story as inspiration. They then used a variety of boxes to make the houses, Post Office, lighthouse and castle.

Hazel Class at Aldenham Country Park

Hazel class had a super time at Aldenham Country Park last week! In the morning the children explored the 100 Aker Wood before completing four fun activities in the field. After crossing the stream using the stepping stones it was time for some lunch. In the afternoon we looked around the farm. We saw cows, … Read more