Holly Class Portraits

In our art lessons this term, we have been learning about and drawing self portraits. Recently, we have looked at the portraits of Frida Kahlo. We learnt how she painted using bright colours and interesting backgrounds, which reflected her life and personality. Here are our self portraits in this style. Can you guess who is … Read more

Sombre celebrations in Reception

Last week we continued our focus on Bonfire Night, using the children’s first-hand experiences from the previous weekend to extend their learning. During topic we also spent time learning and talking about Remembrance Day. The children showed great maturity on Friday morning in joining a whole school two-minute silence. Our silence in Reception was accompanied … Read more

Year 6 Netball vs Whitehill School

Two Year 6 teams played outstanding games of netball against Whitehill School on Wednesday 9th November. Both teams played outstandingly, resulting in an A team win (10-6) and a B team loss (2-1). Check out the fantastic match report below to hear more about it… Our thanks to Deeya for the excellent write up!

Autumn term 2022

Last week, the school council helped parcel up shoe box donations for Operation Hope to begin their long journey to Eastern Europe in time for Christmas. There were close to 100 boxes! Next on the cards is a plan for a school council stall at the Winter Fair.

Rowan Class Basketball Tournament

At the end of most PE units, all classes are encouraged to do a class tournament within the sport they have been learning about. This half term Year 5 have been learning all about basketball and we were (FINALLY) able to have our greatly anticipated class tournament last Friday. The class were split into 6 … Read more

Celtic Harmony trip

Year 3 travelled back in time to Celtic Harmony to experience life in the Stone Age. We became the Hawk and Owl tribes and spent the day learning essential skills to survive in the Stone Age. We learnt how to make fire, build dens, make tools by flint-knapping, hunt animals and gather other food, make … Read more

Circus Science in Year 3

As part of our topic on Forces, Year 3 took part in a Circus Science workshop. We discovered that the forces we have been learning about play a part in many circus skills such as juggling, plate spinning and even riding unicycles. Nick from Shooting Stars showed us forces in action in a Circus Science … Read more

Birthday Celebrations in Year 3

Year 3 had a fun-filled day of games and activities to celebrate William Ransom School’s 50th birthday. We enjoyed the inflatables, archery and Nerf battle in the morning. In the afternoon, we made party hats, played games and ate birthday cake. What a fabulous day. Happy Birthday, William Ransom School!