Fabulous flowers

Elm class have been learning all about plants in Science this term. This week, we found out how plants reproduce. We looked at the pollination and fertilisation process and identified the different parts of the flower.   We then made our own model flowers to show all the different parts.  We learnt that bees and other … Read more

Year 5 Djembe drumming

This term, Year 5 are lucky enough to be receiving Djembe drumming lessons each week, as part of the Year 5 music curriculum. The Djembe drum originates from West Africa, and roughly translates “everyone gather together in peace”. It’s certainly an exhilarating experience to drum together, but it is anything but peaceful! Under Caz Wolfson’s … Read more

Our Music Concert

We had the most wonderful time listening to our fantastic musicians this term. We had performances from Year 2 to Year 6 from the recorders, violins, guitars and trumpets.

The River Nile

Elm class have been learning all about the River Nile and how important it was to the Ancient Egyptians. We learnt that the Nile floods each year and, when the flood waters recede, they leave behind rich, fertile land which is perfect for growing crops. The River Nile was also important for irrigation (watering the … Read more

Designing monsters workshop

We were incredibly fortunate to be able to welcome Zak Simmonds-Hurn, one of the illustrators of the hugely popular series of comic books The Phoenix, into Year 2 to lead a workshop on how to successfully draw a monster. The children will now be tasked to employ these skills to draw and design their own … Read more

Rousseau tigers

As part of our Art unit in Year 2, we have been looking at the work of the artist Henri Rousseau. As part of this work, we looked at how we can draw a tiger in his style while also designing a background of our own choice and style. The children first sketched their background … Read more

Year 5 Rap!

The spring term was concluded with a fun and creative English topic: Rap music. Following on from looking at this genre in Music, children further deepened their knowledge and opinions of different types of rap music, before researching, planning and writing their own raps. This could have been on a topic of their choice, and … Read more

A visit from Captain Evans!

Holly and Hazel class were very lucky to have a visit from Captain Evans this afternoon. He told us all about his job as a pilot for EasyJet. The children were keen to ask lots of questions and were also allowed to dress up in some of the official uniform. What a great way to … Read more