Joint Bridge Project

The two 5/6 Classes are moving onto a new unit of work in Technology this term, looking at Bridges. The aim will be to design and build a wooden structure that will span a set gap and have moving parts, however the introduction was a lot less sophisticated! The challenge was to use one sheet … Read more

Nine Joys of Spring by Class 5/6M

As part of our Literacy work, the pupils have been looking at some of the poems by Ted Hughes, and in particular, his use of figurative language. They read ‘The Seven Sorrows of Autumn’ and used this as a stimulus for their own poem, ‘The Nine Joys of Spring’. The pupils worked in groups and … Read more

Christmas Works of Art

The children looked at pictures of the ‘Nativity’ that were painted by some famous artists. The children then used the water colour crayons to make their own pictures. Some children selected a small part of the Christmas story; this might just have been Mary, a king, or an angel. Others decided that they wanted to … Read more

Freezing our hands off!

We put our left hands in ice cold water and our right in warm water for ten seconds. We then put both hands into a bowl of water at room temperature for another ten seconds. We were surprised at how our hands began to feel as the left, after being frozen off, started to feel … Read more

2013 pops up!

Happy New Year to all parents and pupils of Class 3/4 from Mrs Burr and Mrs Mackilligan. The Spring term is always a busy one with Water Safety and Swimming for the Year 4s and it is often a cold one too. Just as well our science topic is Keeping Warm. As a snap shot, … Read more

Show and Tell

The children are given a theme each week for Show and Tell. This week’s theme was ‘favourite Christmas presents’. The class enjoyed looking at Cassidy’s Cinderella dress, Anusha’s bracelet, Jake’s remote control toy, Kalleigh’s blanket and Isabelle’s musical book.Next week’s theme is ‘Animals’.

Paper Planes

It was more difficult than we thought! We realised that we had to fold the paper into a special shape to allow the plane to glide through the air. We found that when we put a paper clip under the plane, it went further.We had great fun and made a lot of noise! Tonight we … Read more

Tom’s Midnight Garden

Each year Class 4/5 go on a trip to the theatre to compare a live production to a book and/or TV show. This year we have read Tom’s Midnight Garden as a class and are currently watching the TV adaptation from 1989. Next Friday we will be off to London to see the theatrical version … Read more

Christmas Production – Canada

As part of the Christmas Production, The Missing Present, each class was responsible for presenting an aspect of Christmas from their chosen country. As is always the case, some of links were a little tenuous, but nonetheless, all were great fun. We hope to be able to make the photographs available to you in the … Read more

Christmas Production – Mexico

As part of the Christmas Production, The Missing Present, each class was responsible for presenting an aspect of Christmas from their chosen country. As is always the case, some of links were a little tenuous, but nonetheless, all were great fun. We hope to be able to make the photographs available to you in the … Read more