Another busy week in the Reception class

This week in literacy we have been reading different versions of the well-known story of Little Red Riding Hood. Throughout the week we read books together under the visualiser, encouraging the children to read along. We also watched it on Cbeebies on The children wrote sentences about pictures from the story using their word … Read more

Learning is fun in apparatus

Last term we learnt how to carry the apparatus and practised the techniques of moving,jumping and rolling. Now we are extending this work into balancing on body parts and performing a sequence of movements along the floor, onto and along the apparatus, holding a balance and dismounting. We hope you enjoy looking at some of … Read more


Show and Tell for a Friday 18.1.13-Photos of them as a baby and a toddler 25.1.13-A photo of their family so that they can show us who everyone is and tell us all about them. 1.2.13-Their favourite toy and be able to explain why. 8.2.13-An old toy/s for our toy museum. This can have belonged … Read more

Indoor Athletics Coaching for 5/6M

The pupils in Class 5/6M had a morning of Indoor Athletics coaching in anticipation of this year’s competitions. Two local coaches, Connor and Lucy, came in as part of the Schools Sports Partnership and gave the pupils the opportunity to practise the different events that will feature in the local and regional rounds. Although we … Read more

Indoor Athletics with 5/6D

The pupils in Class 5/6D had a morning of Indoor Athletics coaching in anticipation of this year’s competitions. Two local coaches, Connor and Lucy, came in as part of the Schools Sports Partnership and gave the pupils the opportunity to practise the different events that will feature in the local and regional rounds. Although we … Read more

Reception weekly update

Now that the website is up and running I will try and put a weekly update on our class page to fill you in on what we have been doing at school. Hopefully this will be useful to parents whose children choose not to tell them about their time at school but will also be … Read more

Class 5/6M Bake Hamantaschen

In Religious Education, we have been looking at the story of Esther, and also how the Jewish Religion celebrates this with the festival of Purim. As part of the festival, Jews make Hamantaschen which are a type of fruit filled ‘biscuit’. The word Hamantaschen is a Yiddish word which means ‘Haman’s pockets’. Hamantaschen are also … Read more

What links a cow, a monkey, soap and a car?

Mrs Burr gave each group in Class 3/4 a range of items and posed the class a question: What links them and what could our Geography project be? After some head scratching, wondering if monkeys and cows use body wash the class were on the right track with forests and finally discovered… …that the items … Read more

Lesson plan thrown out of the window!

The class’ topic is ‘Keeping Warm’ and we decided to collect snow and measure its temperature every ten minutes to see how long it took to melt and reach room temperature. The children were careful not to touch the snow with their hands to cause additional melting. They then accurately read thermometers. It didn’t take … Read more

Tested to Destruction!

The two 5/6 Classes are moving onto a new unit of work in Technology this term, looking at Bridges. The aim will be to design and build a wooden structure that will span a set gap and have moving parts, however the introduction was a lot less sophisticated! The challenge was to use one sheet … Read more