KS1 Art Day – Lowry

The day began with a whole school assembly where we found out lots of information about Lowry’s life. Key Stage One stayed in the Hall for the rest of the morning learning how to sketch people and buildings in Lowry’s style. Then in the afternoon we learned how to paint our sketches using only white, … Read more

Class 5/6D make Hamantaschen biscuits

In RE, we have been looking at the story of Esther, and also how the Jewish religion celebrates this with the festival of Purim. As part of the festival, some Jews make Hamantaschen which are a type of fruit filled ‘biscuit’. The word Hamantaschen is a Yiddish word which means ‘Haman’s pockets’.

Light Experiments in Class 5/6M

The pupils in Class 5/6M are currently looking at how light travels and how we see things as part of their Science work. They have been doing a number of different experiments showing how light travels in a straight line and also how it is reflected off shiny surfaces. One of the most interesting experiments, … Read more

Tag Rugby Coaching

As part of the Hitchin Rugby Club community programme, we have been given some tag rugby coaching sessions. The two 5/6 classes were due to receive four sessions each, but because of the snow it has been reduced slightly! We still hope to be able to get two more sessions in before half term. Adam, … Read more

Spiderwick Chronicle Freeze Frames

Over the past two weeks, Class 3/4 has been reading the first book in The Spiderwick Chronicles Series. Everyone has really enjoyed the book and meeting the main characters; Mallory, Jared and Simon, and were disappointed when it ended. For the first time, the class put together their own freeze frames as part of some … Read more

Tag Rugby with Hitchin Rugby Club

As part of the Hitchin Rugby Club community programme, we have been given some tag rugby coaching sessions. The two 5/6 classes were due to receive four sessions each, but because of the snow it has been reduced slightly. Adam, our coach, can be seen in these photographs reminding the pupils about the basics. It … Read more

Treasures of the Rainforest

Class 3/4s Geography topic is ‘The Rainforests’ and this week we were looking at what food and medecines orginally came from the rainforests. The children were surprised to find that so much of what is in their kitchen cupboards orginally came from tropical areas. Sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, coconut, oranges as well as the bamboo basket … Read more