Pancake race with a difference!

For the first time ever at William Ransom, this year’s pancake race took place in the snow! For this reason we changed the usual course and ran it on the field, whilst the other pupils took the best vantage points on the playgrounds and paths. There were two pupils from each year group, one boy … Read more

Class 1R’s Assembly

Class 1R have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We decided to share what we had learned with the rest of the school through a class assembly. The children learned their lines and practised speaking loudly and clearly. We told the school about the twelve animals in the Chinese Zodiac and that 2013 is … Read more

What have we been doing in reception this week?

Yet another busy week in reception and only a week to go until half term. This week saw an exciting two day visit by an artist, Chinese New Year, an introduction to ‘old toys’, an introduction to using money and assessment tasks against which we can assess academic progress. As you will have already seen … Read more

Class 2’s Visit to the Church

As part of the RE curriculum, Class 2 enjoyed a visit to St Mary’s church. After looking round the outside of the building, we were met by the Reverend Roden who showed us all the different parts of the church and talked about its history. The children learnt a lot about the church and enjoyed … Read more

Class 3 Find Their Inner Picasso!

Following on from an exciting morning ‘meeting’ Picasso and learning about his life’s works, the children took to their easels and created masterpieces of their own, based on the style and technique of this famous artist.

Painting like Picasso!

Over the last two days, the pupils in both Key Stages have been working with an artist and today was our turn to learn about the life and work of Picasso. For the first part of the day, we ‘met’ Picasso and learned about his life, and the things that influenced his work. It was … Read more

More Picasso’s Creating Masterpieces in Class 3/4

Trying to rearrange, but not obscure the total face effect, Class 3/4 created some excellent versions of Picasso’s work. When it came to painting, the children had to paint straight onto the paper – not sketching first! Many of the children were very nervous about this, but they shouldn’t have been as the outcomes were … Read more

The Artist Day

After sketching houses, a lady shopping and wind swept, a man walking a dog and children cheering at school, pupils created their own artwork. Here are the pupils painging their work and being careful to paint the road a pale colour and the sky grey…like Lowry did.