World Book Day in Hazel Class

On World Book Day, all the children enjoyed dressing up as their favourite character from a book. Everyone looked amazing! The children spoke about who they were dressed as and they enjoyed making a model of their character in the afternoon.

Safety First!

This week Reception have been learning about how to keep safe at the railway station and on trains and also how to keep safe whilst travelling by car. The children were very knowledgeable already about both, knowing, for example, that they should stand behind the yellow line on the platform of a train station and … Read more

Characters in Holly Class

On World Book Day, all the children enjoyed dressing up as their favourite character from a book. It was great to see so many different stories. They enjoyed sharing their books and also made a model of their character. We also took part in some magical Harry Potter yoga – flying on broomsticks and casting … Read more

World Book Day in Pine

We have had a fun day today dressing up as some of our favourite characters and sharing our favourite books with each other. We also wrote all about our books and made some personalised bookmarks to help us keep track of the exciting stories we are reading.

Year 2 Theatre Trip

We had an amazing morning on Tuesday, as we ventured over to the Gordon Craig Theatre in Stevenage. We set off on the coach at 9:30 and made it there with plenty of time to get comfortable in our seats before the show began. We were very happy to be there nice and early because … Read more

World Book Day in Year 3

Year 3 have been enjoying World Book Day, showing off our amazing costumes and talking about our characters. We practised writing character descriptions and came up with some fantastic vocabulary to describe our character’s appearance and personality. We also joined in a special BBC live lesson which looked at different genres of books and showed … Read more

PSHE – Thinking of Others

As part of PSHE in our Being Responsible unit, the children in Rowan and Willow class were asked to imagine that an alien had landed on Earth and asked them why humans look out for each other.  The children wrote some beautiful and interesting responses so we thought we would share some of them: Dear … Read more

William Ransom Annual Pancake Race!

The latest House event was the Pancake Race. One girl and one boy from each House was chosen by the Captains to represent their House.  They then raced with their pancakes in a relay; they had to flip their pancakes at each corner of the track.  Mars team was the quickest but Neptune had the … Read more

Quidditch Day

Year 5 and 6 had so much fun learning a new sport this week. Quidditch (from the Harry Potter series) is a fast, physical and highly active sport which is growing fast in popularity. It certainly proved very popular with Year 5 with one football fanatic in Rowan class stating, ‘It’s even better than football!’ … Read more