It is nearly Easter!

With four days left of this term the children in reception finished their work on houses by looking at the picture by Van Gogh of his bedroom at Arles. Using their sketches and photos from last week’s ‘Show and Tell’ they attempted to paint a picture of their own bedrooms. Having joined the RSPB ‘Wildsquare’ … Read more

Red Nose Day!

Class 2 really enjoyed wearing red noses and dressing in weekend clothes.They raised £31 for people who are not as fortunate as themselves.

Eye of the Wolf

Saucepans’ Story by Richard Africa, a great place and a great boy too! I`ve got loads of memories about him. Starting with the scariest, and ending with the happiest. It was a terrible night. A village in Yellow Africa was on fire. It was war and destruction. The worst thing that can happen. Everywhere you … Read more

Eye of the Wolf

The Hyena’s Story by WilliamI used to eat goats, now I protect them. I used to eat the King of Goats’ goats but then there was a shepherd and he could talk to me. He told me I should not eat the Abyssinian doves, and he got me to leave them alone by giving me … Read more

Eye of the Wolf

The Cheetah’s Story by CharlieI remember being brought up in grey Africa. Time of my life! Tumbling about with brothers and sisters. Hunting goats. I was born free! But then as I grew older, I had to forge a life of my own. It was rough going at first, but then I got the hang … Read more

Weekly update from the Reception class

With the theme of houses well underway, the wall hanging of ‘Our Houses’ went up in the classroom for all to see. The clay houses were painted, the children painted a picture of their own house and the children went for a walk down Benslow Lane to look at the different types of houses. That … Read more

Eye of the Wolf

The Cheetah’s Story – By KieranI was born and grew up in Africa near an old shepherd. For years I’ve been hunting for his goats. I’m very good at catching. One day when I was creeping up to the flock pretending to be a snake when this boy called Africa (the King of Goats’ young … Read more

Eye of the Wolf

Saucepans’ Story by TomMy very first memory was when Toa and I were trying to escape from yellow Africa, because of the war, when the boy was sold to us by his mum. I was tired that day carrying all the trading goods so the boy was another nuisance to me. The sandy desert was … Read more

Class 3/4 visit a Gurdwara in their own classroom

To make it as authentic as possible the children had to follow a set of rituals during the visit. Firstly they had to wash their hands then take off their shoes and socks. Boys had to cover their heads with hats (of the wooly variety, rather than turbans!) as a sign of respect. All of … Read more