ICT work

Class 1R have been finding out that ICT involves more than just computers! The children were asked to bring remote control toys and hand held gaming devices into school today for a special ICT lesson. They had fun exploring the equipment and finding out how to use the different features on the toys and games. … Read more


Pupils developed their measuring skills by measuring the capacity of different containers. They had to order the different amounts to work out the greatest and smallest amount a container could each hold.

Neptune Win the House Cup

Well done again to the members of Neptune who have won the House Cup for the second half of the Spring Term. Neptune were quite comfortable winners this time with Jupiter and Saturn finishing very close to each other in second and third. The final totals were as follws: Neptune – 420 Jupiter – 375 … Read more

Hooray! The Easter holidays are here.

This has been a busy four days learning about the celebrations associated with Easter. The children heard the Easter story and watched a cartoon version from a BBC dvd. Then they made a book showing the main events in the Easter story. In the afternoon they looked at different artists interpretations of the Easter story … Read more


Class 2 have been learning about wolves. They wrote an information sheet for Class 3 pupils to read when they visited our class.We all really enjoyed sharing and learning and hope that Class 3 now know more about wolves.

Easter Pigs!

Rather than going down the usual route of Easter Cards with bunnies and spring flowers, the pupils in Class 5/6M and 5/6D spent some of their afternoon making Easter Pigs!We did try and convince the pupils that it was an often untold custom of some far off land, but they soon saw through this and … Read more

Making Easter Egg Boxes

Class 34 have been looking at packaging. We have now made pizza boxes and easter egg boxes too! When we started to make them we drew them on paper and planed it in rough. When I made my easter egg box for real I had to fold the lines really hard as we were then … Read more

Eye of the Wolf

Saucepan’s Story – By SimonI was brought up in Yellow Africa. My first memory is the devastating war and destruction in the village in Yellow Africa. There was fire on the rooftops, it was a terrifying night, and how did it happen? The job I did was working for Toa the trader and help carry … Read more

Eye of the Wolf

Saucepan’s Story by Alex The first things I remember were explosions loud bangs and a woman shouting at Toa (my owner) to take a boy. Everywhere was on fire. The woman paid Toa to take the boy with everything she had. When we were traveling in the scorching desert Toa was cursing everything and everyone. … Read more