Making Jam Sandwiches!

Class 1R had to write instructions for making a jam sandwich in their Literacy lesson this week. They did such a good job it seemed only fair to let them have a go at making the sandwiches following their own instructions! The children thoroughly enjoyed the activity and all successfully made a yummy jam sandwich. … Read more

Reception investigate slimy snails.

After an interesting ‘Show and Tell’ last Friday the reception children already knew lots of facts about snails. A non-fiction Usborne text entitled ‘Snails’ added to the children’s knowledge and they all wrote some interesting facts for their writing in class. Story recall of ‘Odo the Snail’ was the best writing of the week with … Read more

Great news in science work!

The green sprouting broccoli seeds we planted on April 30th have grown after five days!We had a great surprise when we came to school after the Bank holiday weekend.

It’s spring and Reception learn about butterflies.

In class this week the children have been learning about butterflies ready for the first week back after half term when we will receive our Painted Lady caterpillars and watch them grow and change into butterflies. We have read some great stories about butterflies from the classic Hungry Caterpillar to the tragic tale of Tadpole’s … Read more

Charity walk to raise money for Claire Lomas’ charities

Claire Lomas is taking part in a bike ride covering 400 miles of England -using her handbike Herbert. She is stopping at schools and organisations along the way to talk about her story. We were extremely lucky to be one of the few schools she visited in Hertforshire. Claire Lomas, from Leicestershire, lost the use … Read more

Victorian toys

Class 1R have been learning about the Victorian period in History. This week the children have been looking at Victorian toys and comparing them to the toys we play with today.The toys included a spinning top, a pop gun, Jacob’s ladder, a hobby horse and a tumbling man. The children noticed how none of the … Read more

ICT work in Class 1R

The children in Class 1R were asked to bring in sound responsive toys as part of our work in ICT. They are learning that ICT includes more than just computers! The children brought in a great selection of toys including dogs that moved and barked when we clapped our hands, a Bop It game, a … Read more

Interhouse Football and Netball

The whole school came out to support their houses for the annual Interhouse Football and Netball competitions. The sun was shining and there was plenty of shouting and cheering during the various matches played throughout the afternoon. The four houses each had 3 matches to play against each other in both games and the spectators … Read more

Class 3/4 visit Pizza Express

The school trip to Pizza Express was exciting. We walked to the town centre to play some games while we were waiting for them to get ready. Then we went to the library because we had 15 minutes left. We walked back to Pizza Express and after being given a Pizza Express hat, the chef … Read more