Class 2 go back in time to The Crimean War

Class 2 visited Florence Nightingale Museum in London to support their history work on Famous People. They ‘met’ Florence Nightingale and she told all the children about her life during the Crimean War. Once they had all wandered round the museum some children had the opportunity to dress up in Victorian costumes. Everyone had a … Read more

Reception learn about the Moon.

Alan Bean was an astronaut who enjoyed painting. He painted his impressions of the Moon and space, using photographs to help him paint accurately and ‘moon dust’ mixed with his paint. The children mixed some sand with their paint and using pictures from books and the Internet, painted their pictures in the style of Alan … Read more

KS1 Activity Day

Pupils in key stage one had the opportunity to learn and develop key skills from the school’s playground leaders. The playground leaders organised lots of different activities and worked within their groups to demonstrate the activities to the key stage one pupils.

A busy week of minibeasts and now off into space!

Half term sounded full of exciting adventures for the children in the reception class. Each child talked about what they had done in the holiday and then wrote a short recount and picture to make our class ‘Half Term Holiday’ book. Tuesday was another exciting and exhausting day as the reception class visited Shepreth Wildlife … Read more

The Eggs Have Arrived!

Class 1/2 are looking after 4 Welsummer Bantam eggs. They learnt about the key parts of an egg, from yolk, inner and outer membrane, anchor, air space and egg white. We are counting down the days until the eggs hatch!

Planting Sunflower seeds!

Class 1R have been learning about plants in their Science lessons. They have been looking at the parts of a plant and learning how to look after them. They are going to put these skills to the test and see if they can grow their own sunflowers! The children carefully planted two sunflower seeds in … Read more

End of half term!

The only minibeasts on show this week were the slugs and snails, the prime suspects for eating our precious courgettes! On the plus side some of the sunflowers are up and the beans are planted. minibeast hunting will have to wait until next half term. Jack and the beanstalk was the centre of our literacy … Read more

Spiders our new theme and not a live spider in sight!

The reception children already knew a lot about our eight legged friends but through non-fiction books, e-books and websites lots of new interesting information has been learnt. We also looked at stories and rhymes about spiders. Our art and technology work was centred on spiders and their webs but very few are finished. Pictures of … Read more

Class 4/5’s Tudor Treasure Trail

The day started with a casual stroll through the gardens and up to the house where we found Lord John, Lady Mary and Lady Catherine waiting to greet us. After bidding ‘Goodmorrow’ they showed us in to the house where we talked about the Tudor timeline. The children learned that the Lytton family’s connections with … Read more

Wheelchair Basketball

On Friday 10th May, many of the classes got try some of the sports that were included in the Paralympics in 2012. The pupils from the two 5/6 classes got to experience Wheelchair Basketball. It was great fun and it enabled the pupils to see just how much strength, effort and skill is required to … Read more